Today we will talk regarding muscle fatigue, what it is and some tips to combat it. Let us bear in mind that before suffering from muscular fatigue, the body presents some signs that should be taken into account.
If you are an athlete, surely on certain occasions you felt muscle fatigue, this happens when the muscles suffer extreme exhaustion, generating a great loss of physical capacity. In this situation it is necessary to stop the activity, even when there is a risk of losing the performance that is being sought.
Among the most common symptoms that are felt when having muscle fatigue we find an increase in heart rate, difficulty in coordination, muscle pain, joint pain, anxiety pictures.
This picture can be suffered by both professional athletes and amateurs. In the case of professionals, it is generated when an extreme muscular effort is required of the body. In the case of amateur athletes, it can occur when performing activities that require an effort that is not used to when the exercise routine is changed.
Causes of muscle fatigue
Intensity in the exercises
Not performing adequate recovery or stretching
Performing the exercises or activity incorrectly
Not having a good planning of the activities
thyroid problems
poor sleep health
Anemia pictures
Use of alcohol, drugs or tobacco
feeding problems
How to prevent muscle fatigue
One of the main points to avoid muscle fatigue is to have a good diet. While it is always important to eat well, it is much more important to do so when you are physically active. The body must have the necessary energy according to the activity to be carried out, always maintaining adequate levels of carbohydrate and glucose consumption (both for amateurs and professionals).
Hydrate a lot. After training, drinking water is essential. If hydration is delayed, muscle glycogen resynthesis can be significantly reduced, increasing the possibility of suffering from muscle fatigue. You should never wait until you are thirsty, since when you are thirsty you will be dehydrated.
Always warm up before doing a sporting activity and stretch at the end. This will prevent the muscles from being exhausted. A good measure that is taken to prevent injuries and improve performance. It is normal that due to lack of time these stages of training are skipped, but by not doing so the consequences can be serious. Devoting time to these practices is highly recommended.
Do not exceed the hours of training. Leave days for rest so that the body can recover correctly. Experts in the field suggest not training every day or several times a day, since if you do, the body will fall into what is known as overtraining.
And finally, we want to emphasize the need to recover and rest. It is important to sleep 7 hours a day. Rest is always a point in favor to have a good sports performance.
Source: FISIOSTAR_Com Health and Well-being