how to choose the right foods to lose weight

traffic light regime: how to choose the right foods to lose weight and lose excess pounds. You can consume everything but in moderation: this is the strong point that allows you to give lasting results without too many sacrifices and sacrifices.
Losing weight and to be in shape, to have a lean and toned body in view of the summer, it is necessary to pay attention to certain foods, preferring those which contain few calories and fat. For this reason, the traffic light scheme this is definitely the right diet. Let’s see how it works and all its advantages.
It is simply a question of establishing rules on what we put on the table on a daily basis, of classifying foods according to the benefits or toxicity they bring to the body. If you have a few extra pounds to lose and you just can’t diet, it may be easier for you to have a food list which you can put on the menu and which ones you absolutely must avoid. Whatever your motivation, already deciding what to eat at the supermarket and therefore what to put in the basket, will certainly help you to shed a few extra pounds, it will certainly save you a few euros since you will eliminate most of the bric-a-brac food whose we are inevitably drawn to and basically following the traffic light regime you will eliminate all poisons and toxins contained in certain refined foods and will bring you great health benefits that will certainly benefit from it.

The traffic light diet for weight loss
The traffic light diet is a diet that allows you to lose excess pounds through the elimination (or almost) of high-calorie foods and which therefore make you fat. In detail, in the traffic light diet, you will eliminate most of the junk food and all the poisons and toxins contained in certain refined foods, thus bringing great benefits to your health.
Traffic light system, how does it work?
How does the traffic light scheme work? Simple: you have to prefer foods that make you lose weight but do not deprive yourself of the most caloric, just take them without exaggerating, perhaps avoiding those that are unhealthy. From the colors of the traffic lights, therefore red, green and yellow, it is necessary divide our food in three points and to each of them associate certain types of food
In the Rouge of the traffic light, we must put all these foods to avoid. In the Jaune we put food to be consumed with caution and moderation. Finally, the verte it allows you to consume food freely and includes healthy foods. In the red zone, we find complex carbohydrates, rice, fats, potatoes, cold meats, fatty cheeses, sweets, fried foods, bread and alcohol. In the yolk, on the other hand, we find wholemeal pasta, partly skimmed milk, eggs, pork, lamb, fruit juices and bananas. Finally, in the yolk, there are fruits and vegetables, legumes, mushrooms, ricotta and fresh cheeses, chicken, turkey, fish and brown rice. It is also important to drink plenty of water and exercise regularly to maximize results.
Nutritionists always advise 3 main mealsoptionally inserting at least 1/3 of the proteins provided for daily needs, starting from breakfast, to allow the body to start the day in the best possible way. The morning meal should always be abundant, while the evening meal should always be lighter than the others so as not to burden the liver during the hours of night rest. Two additional snacks are allowed. One in the middle of the morning and one for followingnoon tea. In addition to water, juices and fruit juices without sugar are also good.

The benefits of the traffic light regime
This diet does not eliminate food drastically, you can eat everything but in moderation. And this is precisely the strong point of this regime, theextreme simplicity, an optimal organization that allows to give lasting results without too many sacrifices and sacrifices.
Before starting any diet, we always recommend, as usual, to follow a moderate physical activity whatever the chosen diet. Diets help you lose weight, but your metabolism definitely needs a boost to function at its best.

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