How to bench press well for Superman pecs

We are not going to enter here to assess here what has been The best Superman in history. Since the 1970s, Christopher Reeve has not managed to be unseated as the most handsome and fascinating ‘man of steel’ in cinema, with those cerulean eyes that we only sensed when, following filming, he removed his dark contact lenses and that superhuman bearing (for the time) that he achieved thanks to a strict workout of training that someone was kind enough to post on the networks a few years ago. In Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman It wasn’t Dean Cain’s muscular body that kept us hooked to the television screen for four seasons, but the unresolved sexual tension with his co-star, Bond girl Teri Hatcher. Y no one like Brandon Routh to embody the curse (in this case interpretive) that accompanies anyone who decides to put themselves in the shoes (and in the horn-rimmed glasses) of Clark Kent.

What we want to talk regarding is Henry Cavill pecs, without ignoring the good reviews he obtained by giving the superhero a twist under the orders of director Christopher Nolan in 2013. Being the most handsome man in the world – surpassing even Chris Hemsworth – It has these things, that we want to know the man under the suit. And he is one whose chest muscles are perfectly sculpted.

What is the bench press?

The bench press is probably the most mythologized exercise in strength training, specifically if we want to train the pectoral. It is a competition powerlifting exercise, yet many people like to do it. From our point of view, it is a good exercise but with some modifications. It is basically a horizontal push in which you are lying on the bench using a barbell as a tool to load weight.

Step by Step

Lie down on the bench performing a scapular retraction to generate stable support. We remove the bar from the support, taking into account that we must maintain the support of the buttock on the bench and both feet on the ground, generating stability. The width of the grip will be the one that allows you to align the wrist, elbow and shoulder in an L shape (90º), lower the bar bringing it towards the midline of the pectoral controlling this eccentric phase and push up and in with your hands and intending to put them together. Finish the movement until the elbows are completely locked.

Types press banca

  1. Press bank plan
  2. Press Bench Inclined
  3. Press banking declined
  4. Multipower bench press (flat, incline, decline)
  5. Dumbbell bench press ((flat, incline, decline)
  6. Close grip bench press
  7. Neutral grip bench press (special bar)
  8. Hex press en mutipower

What is it for?

As we said before, it is an exercise that is used to develop the pectoral (although we also include the activation of the anterior deltoid and triceps), which are responsible for pushing.

Tips to get it right

1. Seek to keep the hand in position on the elbow, neither more closed nor more open, to give a good stimulus to the pectoral and not so much to the triceps, without cutting the range of movement.

2. You have to think regarding pushing and putting your hands together at the same time, having an intentional force.



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