How to avoid weight gain in Ramadan? Here are the 4 best eating habits

Adopting new healthy eating habits takes a lot of effort, but when it comes to supporting a strong metabolism, it’s worth it because the payoffs are impressive, especially during times of fasting.

According to Eat This Not That, a healthy metabolism helps improve the overall functioning of the body, simply because it breaks down nutrients from everyday foods.

According to nutrition experts (twins) Lacey and Tammy Lakatos Shamis, whether you want to lose weight or just keep it off, it’s important to maintain a fast metabolism. It is recommended to have a fast and efficient metabolism, because “you can burn more calories throughout the day [و] Food does not lead to serious consequences in terms of weight gain and fat accumulation on the abdomen and thighs.”

Metabolic disorder

Warning signs of a metabolic disorder include feeling tired and constantly tired, craving carbohydrates and sugar, having trouble regulating body temperature, constipation, or irregular menstruation (for females), [ثم] Maybe your metabolism isn’t working the way it should.”

Although these symptoms are common, Nutritionist Lakatos suggests keeping in mind that they can also be factors for other health problems, and therefore advise you to consult a doctor. The Lakatos Sisters also recommend that when planning meals for the following week, the following should be observed:

1. Choose snacks

Choosing snacks, Lakatos explains, but containing an adequate amount of protein over a serving of carbohydrates, “increases the metabolic rate while the body is resting.” [عدم ممارسة الرياضة] And when it is [الشخص] Asleep.” For example, following eating 300 calories of turkey breast, “approximately 90 of those calories will be burned during digestion.” When the body breaks down protein foods, the metabolism works more efficiently than it does. If he was consuming large amounts of carbohydrates.

2. Smaller amounts every time

“Aside from contributing to weight gain, if too much food is eaten at once, it will make the person sluggish and less energetic,” the experts explain, and recommend starting with smaller portions on the plate and returning to eating more later if the person is still hungry.

They add that if a person eats “large, fatty, high-calorie meals”, especially if they are inactive, “they will burn fewer calories and will not be able to start their metabolism, as they usually do if they do vigorous exercise.”

Essentially, if the metabolism is unable to keep up with the calorie intake, the overtime will be slowed down as it works twice as hard to digest such a large amount of calories eaten in one go.

3. Enough calories

Eating enough calories throughout the day nourishes the body and helps maintain a good metabolism. But if a person is calorie deficient or if their intake is less than their daily requirement and is not seeing any weight loss results, it may be a sign that their metabolism is not working as well as it should be.

Skipping meals and missing out on vital calories for the day slows down your metabolism by causing calories to be withheld for too long for the body to continue to function. If a person eats enough meals and snacks, the metabolism will work constantly (even while at rest) and you will not have to work to maintain a minimum level of energy for the body.

4. Leafy vegetables

The nutrients in leafy greens are beneficial to the body in different ways. Eating more vegetables can help develop better digestion, thus reducing the effort of the metabolism following eating.

One study found that including more servings of leafy green vegetables in daily meals supports the metabolic state following eating, or the period following a meal, which leads to the body’s metabolism smoothly, especially since leafy vegetables produce healthy levels of glucose and fats in the blood, which can be broken down easily into forms of energy.



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