How to approach the exam? Some Ways to Make Exam Preparation Easier

16Divya Ph

(Psycho Social School Counsellor. GHS West, Kadungallur)

Exams are coming up. Children and parents have many concerns. How to study? Will you forget what you learned? How to approach the exam? So many worries. What matters more than the exam marks is what the student has learned, but success in the exam will make the journey ahead easier. When studying for an exam, understanding the material, remembering it correctly and being able to write it in the exam are equally important.

Few ways to help in exam preparation

How to study?

We meet many people in life. But we become interested in someone only when we can find something we like in that person. So is learning. Learning becomes fun and enjoyable only when we love it. Our interest is an important factor that helps us study attentively. When the child wants to learn, the mind and body are ready for it.

Learning style is very important. Each person’s learning style is different. Some will learn by writing, some will learn by reading and some will learn by listening. But finding a style that suits you and learning that way will be more beneficial. Eminent educational psychologist Walter Burke Barbe and his colleagues have divided learning styles into 3 styles (VAK theory).

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1. Visual learners (They get things more clearly through sight. If they learn with the help of pictures, charts and graphs, they can understand things quickly. The way of learning by imagining the things they are learning, and learning by marking with different colored highlighters and pencils will make their learning easier.

2. Auditory Learners: They have the method of learning by listening. Audio and video learning method. The method of learning by sitting with friends and talking to each other. The method of making the things to be learned in the form of a song will make their learning easier. the

3. Kinesthetic Learners: This is the method of learning by doing. Learning by walking and studying by taking breaks will help them more. The method of learning by writing is also seen in children. Figure out which way you learn best and try to learn using that method.

Learning environment is also very important. A quiet learning environment will increase the child’s focus. Try to study away from the place where you are studying and distracting devices like phone, TV etc. When you feel your attention drifting, make a conscious effort to bring your attention back by taking regular breaks and asking yourself questions regarding the part you studied.

The KWL technique can help assess the quality of learning. In the chart with 3 headings Know, Want & Learn, write what you know and have learned in these lessons in the ‘What I Know’ column.

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In the second What I Want to Learn column, write what you want to learn. What I Learned means write down the topic that I have learned step by step. By studying in this way we will have a complete idea of ​​how much knowledge we have in each subject and in which subject we need to improve.

Some ways to remember what you have learned

Adequate sleep is essential for memory retention. It is best to relate things to each other like a story or to remember something you already know.

Learning through stories and poems, and learning regarding melody and rhythm will help you remember. Some people learn by making some gestures or moving their hands or something while learning. It has been shown to help them remember.

Try to revise the things you study many times, the more you revise, the more information gets stored in your long term memory which helps you to write better in the exam. Writing hard-to-remember formulas on flash cards in different colors and sticking them on the wall helps you remember.

Learning by understanding the meaning helps to retain more memory.

Make a mind map and study.

Use graphs and charts to help you remember and write more clearly.

Mnemonics, such as codifying large answers into short words, can help retain memory

Acrostics methods (using the first words of a large answer to be remembered to form a new small word, for example VIBGYOR (Violet-Indigo-Blue-Green-Yellow-Orange-Red) will help to remember

Short notes (notes prepared by writing only the important points in the larger study section) and the method of preparing and studying also increase memory.

How to approach the exam?

Get enough sleep in the days leading up to the exam. Adequate sleep will help you remember what you have learned.

Reduce screen time in the days leading up to the exam. It improves memory.

On the day before the exam, sleep with positive thoughts that you will be able to write well without worrying regarding the exam.

Drink plenty of water. It will calm your body and mind.

Eat enough nutritious food while leaving for the exam. Avoiding outside food will avoid other problems.

Leave home at the prescribed time to reach school. Arriving late to school may stress us out.

Make sure you keep the necessary pen, box, water and hall ticket handy.

Do not try to study anything new right before the exam. It may do more harm than good.

Use the time available to read the exam questions properly.

Close your eyes for a minute, take a deep breath and relax and start writing the exam. Use relaxation techniques (breathing) whenever you feel stressed. Drink water. Remembering a well-written scenario before the exam can also help reduce stress.

Have you ever heard the story of butterflies?

It is the butterflies that come out of the cocoon with the most beautiful wings and survive everything with life. Believe that you can overcome all obstacles and become butterflies capable of flying towards your dreams. Our mind is everything. Approach the exam with the conviction that trying is more important than success or failure.

To the parents

Parents are responsible for creating an environment where children can learn and maintain their confidence. All children and their learning levels are not the same. It is the responsibility of the parents not to put too much pressure on them by expecting too much. Don’t forget to remind them that children are important to you beyond Mark.

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