How to activate a vehicle in SAT Guatemala – 2024-08-06 05:28:01


How to activate a vehicle in SAT Guatemala

According to records from the Superintendency of Tax Administration (SAT), during the last 3 years, 10,524 vehicles that had previously been permanently deregistered (inactivated) have been reactivated.

A man has his hand on the door handle of his vehicle. After activating his vehicle in the SAT, he can use it again.

In Guatemala, it is possible to activate a vehicle that has been deregistered; the process is carried out at the SAT (Photo, Prensa Libre: Freepik).

The process must be carried out in person at a SAT tax office or agency. For both procedures, both the activation as the deactivation of vehicles is used formulario SAT-452 Affidavit for Deactivation and/or Activation of Land Vehicles.

He vehicle reactivation process It is admitted for five specific reasons, which are:

  • Activation due to Permanent Retirement: When an owner deregistered the vehicle because it was being repaired or, at the time, it was not repairable, it could also have been that he decided to take it out of circulation.
  • Theft/Robbery Recovery: Applies when the owner recovers the vehicle that had previously been reported stolen.
  • Temporary withdrawal by insurer: This case occurs when an insurer had initially requested the deactivation of the vehicle, but due to a change in the situation, it now requests its reactivation.
  • Activation by general change: It is used when the vehicle was inactive due to the need to update the brown circulation card to the light blue card.
  • Activation by mandate or sworn statement: The mandate is an authorization granted to a third party to carry out procedures on behalf of the owner. On the other hand, the sworn statement is used in different cases to formalize the request for reactivation. This type of activation will be indicated by the SAT staff when the interested party appears at the agency to make the request.

To activate a vehicle or motorcycle, it is usually necessary to complete certain Requirements and procedures depending on the type of activationdetails can be found on the SAT portal.

The essential documents in any case are:

  • Valid Identification Document (DPI).
  • Have a Virtual Agency and updated data in digital RTU.
  • Be solvent in the payment of the Tax on Circulation of Land Vehicles of all vehicles registered in the name of the taxpayer.
  • Complete Form SAT-452, Affidavit for Deactivation and/or Activation of Land Vehicles.
  • Physical inspection of the vehicle carried out by the Specialized Division of Criminal Investigation (DEIC of the PNC) or the current National Institute of Forensic Sciences of Guatemala (INACIF).

How much does it cost to activate a vehicle

Although the activation process of a vehicle or motorcycle It has no direct costit must be considered that they can expenses arise additional during the process, depending on the situation.

Below are the details Some possible costs for activationwhich include compliance with tax obligations and possible expenses for printing new plates.

  1. The owner must ensure that he or she has paid all taxes related to vehicle ownership, such as the Vehicle Circulation Tax (ISCV).
  1. In addition, be solvent in tax obligations (VAT, ISR, ISO, others.) If you have any omission you will not be able to print the electronic badges.
To activate the vehicle in the SAT, the deactivation process must have been previously carried out and the vehicle must be inactive due to “Permanent Retirement”
To activate the vehicle in the SAT, the deactivation process must first be completed and the vehicle must be registered as ‘Definitive Retirement’. (Photo, Prensa Libre: Freepik)
  1. Depending on the condition of the vehicle, the current regulations and the specific case, it may be necessary to obtain and install new license plates. If necessary, you will have to make the corresponding payment for the printing of the license plates.
    • Cost of license plates
      • Vehicle with 2 plates: Q 120.00
      • 1 plate vehicle: Q60.00
    • Certificate of ownership: Q 60.00
    • Circulation Card: Q60.00 Statistics of reactivated vehicles in Guatemala

Statistics on reactivated vehicles in Guatemala

In the last three years 10,524 vehicles have been activated which had previously been requested to be decommissioned between 2022, 2023 and part of 2024. In contrast to the 198,420 vehicles deactivated due to theft, robbery and definitive withdrawal between the years 2021, 2022 and 2023.

According to SAT records, these are the annual activation figures:

  • Year 2022: 4 thousand 538
  • Year 2023: 3 thousand 908
  • Year 2024: (as of July): 2,078

#activate #vehicle #SAT #Guatemala



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