How TikTok Became a Game Changer for the AfD

How TikTok Became a Game Changer for the AfD

The AfD was therefore able to reach young people between 18 and 24 more easily than the other parties. The AfD has more followers on Tiktok, more politicians who are active on the platform and, in addition, the political message of the AfD was spread by relatively many more accounts than the political message of the other parties.

Profiles of young people created for the study received in their Tiktok-feed average of 9.2 videos per week with AfD themes or tags. BSW and CDU followed in second place, on average the profiles received 1.1 video per week in their feed with a reference to one of these two parties. The other parties followed at a distance.

Roland Verwiebe of the University of Potsdam, who coordinated the study, calls the results alarming. According to him, this study shows that the AfD has reached many young people relatively easily. Interest in political content was not explicitly indicated in the profiles. Verwiebe attributes the greater reach of the AfD content to the algorithm of Tiktok. According to him, moderate parties are disadvantaged by the platform. Read more at the University of Potsdam or in the liveblog from Tagesschau

Read more on Germanyweb about the election results in Thuringia and Saxony

The AfD’s Effective⁢ Engagement ‍with Young Voters on ‌TikTok: A Study Overview

In the rapidly evolving landscape of ⁢political communication, social media platforms‌ like TikTok have become instrumental in shaping young ‌people’s political perspectives. A recent study highlights the surprising ‍effectiveness of Germany’s ‍right-wing party, Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), in capturing the attention of the youth demographic, particularly those aged 18⁤ to 24. This article delves ‍into​ the‍ findings of the study, explores the implications for⁢ the German ​political landscape, ⁣and ⁣reflects on the broader impact ​of social media on political engagement among young⁤ voters.

The Study: Key Findings

The research ‍on the AfD’s social media strategies,‍ coordinated by Roland Verwiebe from the ⁢University of Potsdam, ⁣illustrates a ⁣significant disparity between the AfD and ​other ⁤political parties in their ability to reach younger voters. Here are the key findings:

  1. Higher Engagement on TikTok: The‍ study revealed that the AfD has a more substantial presence on TikTok compared to other parties. With an increasing number of followers⁢ and more active politicians ⁣leveraging the platform, the ⁣AfD’s messages resonate more effectively with younger audiences.
  1. Volume of Content: Profiles created for the study indicated that users received⁢ an ⁣average of 9.2 TikTok videos per week that featured themes or tags⁢ related to the AfD.​ In contrast, other major parties like the BSW (Bavarian Social Union) and CDU⁢ (Christian Democratic Union) lagged significantly behind, providing an average of only 1.1 videos per‌ week each.
  1. Wider Spread of Messaging: The research demonstrates that content propagating the AfD’s political ⁢ideology was disseminated by a significantly⁤ higher number ⁢of accounts than that ⁣of competing parties. This viral potential amplifies the ⁢reach and impact of the AfD’s messages, leading to increased visibility among young⁢ users.

The Alarming Implications

Roland Verwiebe has termed these findings “alarming,” emphasizing the influential role ‌social‌ media plays⁢ in modern politics, particularly in shaping the views of the younger electorate. The study raises critical ⁢questions regarding the ⁤effectiveness and ethical dimensions of political outreach in the ‌digital age.

Why is This ⁤Important?

  1. Youth Engagement: The ability ⁤of the AfD to connect with‌ younger voters highlights ⁢a shift in political engagement⁣ trends;⁤ young people are⁤ increasingly turning to‌ social media platforms ⁤for political ‌discourse and​ information ⁤rather than traditional ​news outlets.
  1. Polarization Risks:⁣ The focused outreach⁢ of politically controversial groups ‌through engaging platforms like TikTok can contribute to greater ⁢political polarization. As young voters are⁣ exposed ‌to ⁤a narrow set⁢ of political⁤ ideas, it may ‍limit their understanding of a broader spectrum of political opinions and‍ ideologies.
  1. Impact on Future Elections: With upcoming elections on ​the‍ horizon, the‌ AfD’s success in engaging youth could ​have significant implications for their electoral support. If the trend continues, it could skew voting patterns in future elections, raising concerns about the balance of perspectives represented in the political ‌arena.


The ‍AfD’s strategic‍ use of TikTok exemplifies ⁤how modern political movements are utilizing digital platforms to engage younger demographics effectively. As highlighted⁤ by the study’s‌ findings, the party’s ability to dominate this‌ space could reshape‌ the ‍dynamics of political ⁢engagement in Germany.

As young voters ⁢increasingly rely on social media for information, the potential for misinformation and echo chambers rises, necessitating a more informed and ⁤critical youth electorate. It is imperative for other political parties to adapt their strategies to engage successfully with young voters while promoting a diversity of ideas⁢ and constructive dialogue.

By understanding ​and ‍addressing these trends, society can work towards cultivating a ​politically aware generation equipped to navigate the complexities ‌of modern⁤ politics, thereby ensuring a healthy ​democracy ⁢that represents a⁤ wide array‍ of voices and⁤ perspectives.



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