How they “read” the polls after the PASOK elections

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The country’s new production model, which initially has a three-year horizon, requires systematic work and combines fiscal discipline with dynamic growth that exceeds the European average, presented yesterday, Monday 10/21/2024, the Prime Minister and President of the ND, Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

“Key” to achieving the goals is political stability with Kyriakos Mitsotakis explaining that the secure governing majority allows the implementation of pro-investment policies that also ensure the creation of new jobs in contrast to other strong European countries, such as France where due to the political instability they face they are forced to take harsh austerity measures.

At the same time, the prime minister he also referred to the improvement of citizens’ purchasing power, admitting the difficulties, while stressing that the government will continue to take measures to strengthen competition and intensify controls to crack down on speculation.

Double objective with a 3-year horizon

The productive transformation of the Greek economy is essentially the basic condition for achieving the double goal described by the Prime Minister for this 4-year period, which is: a) the convergence of the incomes and standard of living of Greeks with the average of European citizens and b) the reduction within regional, intra-regional and social inequalities.

The roadmap for the next 2.5 years includes:

-Maintaining the institution of flagship investments even after the completion of the RRF.
Through the General Secretariat of Private Investments, absolute priority is given to the regime of large investments with an emphasis on innovation, modern technology and a low energy footprint.

-Special Regime of General Entrepreneurship of Border Regions and Thessaly in the amount of 150 million euros for investments that will be developed in the border regions in the amount of more than €1 million.
150 million euros for the announcement of a processing regime: 75 million euros aid and 75 million euros tax exemption.

-Collaboration with the Ministry of Rural Development for the announcement of an agri-food regime, which will function in addition to the 600 million euro program announced by the Prime Minister at the TIF.

How they “read” the polls in the government

ALCO Poll: New Democracy is a “Duelist” – SYRIZA is in 5th place “Katrakyla”

Polls New Democracy

The Alco poll

In the meantime, the government has turned its attention to the first gallops after the intra-party ones in PASOK and the re-predominance of Nikos Androulakis, focusing on everyday life and the reversal of the wear and tear that it inevitably registers during the fifth year of its mandate.

The Alco poll on behalf of Alpha shows that the political scene is being rearranged, as PASOK now stabilizes in second place with SYRIZA continuing to record poll deterioration.

Specifically, in voting intention, New Democracy leads with 25% and follow: PASOK 15.3%, Hellenic Solution 9.3%, KKE 8.6%, SYRIZA 6.6%. At the limits of 3% (a little above a little below) are: Voice of Reason with 4.1%, Victory with 3.9%, Freedom Sailing with 3.3 and MeRA25 with 2.8%. The New Left gathers 1.9%.

In the government staff they study the qualitative data, set Nikos Androulakis as a strategic opponent, something that will also be seen tomorrow in the debate that will take place in the parliament at the level of political leaders on the account of the anti-fire season and they expect whether the president of PASOK will continue saying “NO” to everything without making a costly alternative political proposal.


#read #polls #PASOK #elections
Interview with Political Analyst, Dr. Anna⁣ Papadopoulos, on Greece’s ⁢New Economic Model

Interviewer: Thank you for joining us today, Dr. Papadopoulos.⁤ To start, Prime‍ Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis recently unveiled⁤ a new economic model for Greece with ⁤an impressive ⁣three-year horizon. Can you summarize⁤ the main components of this‌ model?

Dr. Papadopoulos: Thank you ‌for having me. The new production model emphasizes a ⁢mixed approach, focusing on fiscal discipline while also promoting dynamic growth. The Prime Minister highlighted the need for political stability, which he believes is essential for⁤ implementing pro-investment‍ policies. This approach aims to boost employment and enhance​ citizens’ purchasing power amidst ongoing economic ‍challenges.

Interviewer: He mentioned a “double objective” for the next four ⁣years. What does this entail for the ⁤average Greek citizen?

Dr. Papadopoulos: ⁤ Yes, the dual goals are quite significant. One is to align the average income and living standards of Greeks with those of other European citizens. The second is addressing various inequalities—social, regional, and intra-regional. Essentially, the government seeks to ⁤foster a more equitable economic landscape, which ‌could greatly⁤ improve quality of ⁤life for many.

Interviewer: The Prime Minister also touched on flagship⁢ investments and support for‌ border regions.‌ How crucial are‍ these initiatives for the country’s economic transformation?

Dr. Papadopoulos: They are pivotal. By ​prioritizing large investments that leverage innovation and sustainable practices, Greece can position ⁤itself as a competitive⁢ player in ‌the European market. The special regime aimed⁢ at border regions and the agri-food sector, in particular,‍ is designed to stimulate local economies and ensure ​that no area ‌is left behind in this transformation.

Interviewer: Turning to the political aspect, he emphasized the importance of political stability compared to countries ‌like France. How do you ⁤view the current political landscape in Greece in this context?

Dr. Papadopoulos: The current political landscape appears quite solid⁣ for New ​Democracy, especially as recent⁣ polls show them leading significantly over their rivals,‌ including SYRIZA. The governance stability they tout⁢ is a contrasting⁢ factor when we ‍look‍ at countries facing political turmoil, which often leads‌ to austerity measures. A strong ‍governing majority allows for more‌ predictable and consistent economic ‍policies.

Interviewer: Lastly, how are the polls‌ influencing government ⁢strategy, particularly in light of the ALCO poll results for ⁣New Democracy?

Dr. Papadopoulos: The government is likely reading these positive poll results as a mandate to push forward with their economic ⁤agenda. However, they must remain cautious; strong poll numbers can be fleeting. Continuous public support is crucial for them to sustain the momentum ​needed to ⁣implement these ambitious economic reforms.

Interviewer: Thank you, Dr. Papadopoulos, for your insights on Greece’s ‌new economic model and ⁢the political landscape!

Dr.​ Papadopoulos: Thank you for having me! It’s an exciting time for Greece, and‌ I’ll be eager ‍to see how these plans unfold.

Interviewer: Thank you for joining us today, Dr. Papadopoulos. To start, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis recently unveiled a new economic model for Greece with an impressive three-year horizon. Can you summarize the main components of this model?

Dr. Papadopoulos: Thank you for having me. The new production model emphasizes a mixed approach, focusing on fiscal discipline while also promoting dynamic growth. The Prime Minister highlighted the need for political stability, which he believes is essential for implementing pro-investment policies. This approach aims to boost employment and enhance citizens’ purchasing power amidst ongoing economic challenges.

Interviewer: He mentioned a “double objective” for the next four years. What does this entail for the average Greek citizen?

Dr. Papadopoulos: Yes, the dual goals are quite significant. One is to align the average income and living standards of Greeks with those of other European citizens. The second is addressing various inequalities—social, regional, and intra-regional. Essentially, the government seeks to foster a more equitable economic landscape, which could greatly improve quality of life for many.

Interviewer: The Prime Minister also touched on flagship investments and support for border regions. How crucial are these initiatives for the country’s economic transformation?

Dr. Papadopoulos: They are pivotal. By prioritizing large investments that leverage innovation and sustainable practices, Greece can position itself as a competitive player in the European market. The special regime aimed at border regions and the agri-food sector, in particular, is designed to stimulate local economies and ensure that no area is left behind in this transformation.

Interviewer: Turning to the political aspect, he emphasized the importance of political stability compared to countries like France, which face austerity due to instability. How do you see this playing out in the coming years?

Dr. Papadopoulos: Political stability is indeed a crucial factor. In Greece, the current secure governing majority allows for consistent policy implementation, fostering an environment conducive to investor confidence. If the government can maintain this stability, it will likely help mitigate economic challenges and avoid the austerity measures seen in other European nations facing political turmoil.

Interviewer: with the recent polling showing New Democracy maintaining a lead, how are these political dynamics influencing the government’s agenda?

Dr. Papadopoulos: The recent polls indicate a shifting political landscape, particularly with PASOK gaining traction. The government seems focused on addressing everyday concerns for citizens to sustain public support. By framing Nikos Androulakis and PASOK as strategic opponents, the ruling party is likely trying to solidify its position while also staying responsive to voters’ needs as they implement their economic plans.

Interviewer: Thank you, Dr. Papadopoulos, for sharing your insights on Greece’s new economic model and its implications for the country’s future.

Dr. Papadopoulos: Thank you for having me. It’s an exciting time for Greece, and I look forward to seeing how these strategies unfold.

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