how they change and how many choose Italy –

Shorter, more intense, more frequent. This is the new type of vacation that Italians seem to prefer for this summer 2024. There are 36 million who plan to travel between June and September, 90 percent of whom have already expressed their preference for an exquisitely Italian destination. Just over 10% instead opt for foreign destinations, mainly seaside resorts closer to the peninsula. A third of vacationers, however, have already planned to take more than one vacation period in addition to the main one in the four key months of the summer season: 3.6 million will repeat at least once, 3.1 million will travel twice and 1.7 million will end up taking three vacation periods. A scenario that, overall, will produce a turnover of 40.6 billion euros.

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This is evident from the results of the research carried out on behalf of Federalberghi by the company Tecne. “It is always interesting to notice, thanks to the numbers, the changes taking place,” declared the president of Federalberghi, Bernabo Bocca, commenting on the survey data. “In the face of a difficult year, in which catastrophic weather events such as floods and droughts have brought entire regions to their knees, despite the disruption that the ongoing international conflicts could create for tourist flows, in spite of all this we note that the sector is showing a certain resilience.”

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“Nine out of ten Italians want to stay in the Belpaese – Bocca continued – And for us to note this is a good thing. But it also confirms the new trend, already underway for some time, to divide the summer holidays into several segments. This shortening of the times paradoxically allows to replicate the departure by spreading it out in different periods, thus having the opportunity to visit new places”. “The issue remains – the president of Federalberghi concluded – of that 54% of fellow citizens who have not been able to plan a vacation due to the lack of liquidity.” “The picture we have before us today – concluded Bocca – is of a good trend on the international markets, while we note a certain decline on the national and European markets”.

#change #choose #Italy #Tempo
2024-07-23 00:36:02



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