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Zelenskyy’s Victory Plan: A Laugh, a Ponder, and Some Serious Points

Well, well, well, here we go! Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, strode into the Verkhovna Rada on October 16 with all the authority of a stand-up comic taking the stage at a sold-out venue. And what did he present? None other than the Victory Plan—a meticulous blueprint that consists of five riveting points and, wait for it, three secret appendices! It’s a bit like a magician’s act, but instead of pulling rabbits out of hats, we’re hoping for rabbits pulling us out of a war. What are the points? Let’s break them down!

Five Points of the Victory Plan

  • Point One: Geopolitical – Diving into world politics like it’s a shallow swimming pool…
  • Points Two and Three: Military – Because nothing says “America’s Got Talent” like military strategy.
  • Point Four: Economic – Let’s talk dollars and dimes, shall we?
  • Point Five: Security – For a post-war waltz—preferably not a waltz of disaster.

Now, if you’re like me, you’re thinking: “What’s in those secret appendices?” If they’re anything like the last birthday present I opened, I’m guessing it’s a mix of socks and a “I’m sorry” note from the universe. Turns out, the secret appendices hint at the possibility of strikes on Russian territory. You know—it starts with a slap and ends with a punch!

World Leaders: A Raucous Roundtable

Hold onto your hats, folks! During the press conference, the reactions were nothing short of a mixed bag of British humor and existential dread! Mark Rutte had the classic politician’s reaction—“There are many points that need to be sorted out.” Well, that’s not vague at all! It’s as if he just stepped off a confusing merry-go-round—“I swear I just saw a unicorn… or was that a horse?”

Then we have the EU’s top foreign diplomat, Josep Borrell. He weighed in with, “There is no need to hesitate.” That’s right, folks! Don’t hesitate… unless you’re posing for a selfie. Borrell ramped up the seriousness by suggesting that the only way to bring Putin to the negotiating table is by winning on the battlefield. Who knew war strategy could lead to a sequel of “Game of Thrones”?

Meanwhile, Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico piped up with a gloomy prediction. He basically said Ukraine’s fate is like reviewing historical documentaries: “Oh no, not this again!” He fears an agreement that leaves Ukraine to the wolves—much like an unfortunate child being voted off the island in a game show.

Support Comes with Hiccups

Let’s not forget the diplomats from Lithuania and Latvia: they claimed the plan is both “realistic” and “reliable.” You can’t help but think they’re the optimistic characters in a disaster film—“Everything is going to be fine, until it’s not.” And while Julian Röpke from Bild was left “without words”—which is rare for a journalist—he made clear he anticipated no NATO accession anytime soon, leaving us with a cliffhanger that rivals the end of a season finale!

How the Kremlin Sees This

Of course, we can’t just skate smoothly over the Kremlin’s reaction. As Maria Zakharova wildly gestured in disbelief, implying Zelenskyy was pushing NATO toward war, you could almost see the smoke rising from her ears. She called the plan a “disaster plan,” which is rich coming from anyone involved in Kremlin operations. Have they looked in the mirror lately?

The USA Weighs In

Now on to the land of the brave and free! The US maintains Ukraine is on an “irreversible path” to NATO membership, though Ms. Ambassador Julianna Smith clarified we’re not sending out wedding invites just yet—more like saving the date!

In Conclusion

So there you have it! Zelenskyy’s Victory Plan isn’t just a list of points to check off at the DMV; it’s a dynamic framework that stirs the pot of international politics with a side of military strategy. Will it work? Well, that’s the million-dollar question. Maybe we should just binge-watch a few more political dramas for inspiration. After all, real life may not come with a laugh track but it sure does need a good punchline!

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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke in the Verkhovna Rada on October 16 and presented the Victory Plan. It consists of five points and three secret appendices:

  • point one is geopolitical,
  • points two and three are military,
  • point four is economic,
  • point five is security.

Points are calculated by time. The first four are the time of war to end it. The fifth point is for the time after the war to guarantee security.

Also read

In the secret annexes to the Victory Plan of Ukraine it is about the possibility of strikes on the territory of Russia. It is also indicated which weapon is needed for this.

How world leaders reacted to Zelensky’s Victory Plan, read in the article

Mark Rutte: “There are many points that need to be sorted out”

NATO cannot yet support Volodymyr Zelenskyi’s Victory Plan, as there are many points that need to be resolved. About this said Alliance Secretary General Mark Rutte at a press conference on Wednesday, October 16.

Rutte said the plan would be discussed behind closed doors with allies and there could be differing opinions on its details. At the same time, he emphasized that NATO firmly supports Ukraine. He also called the plan a powerful signal from the President of Ukraine.

Josep Borrell: “There is no need to hesitate

Ukraine needs stronger security guarantees, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell said, commenting on Ukraine’s Victory Plan announced by President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“Let’s wait for Zelensky’s arrival to present the plan to EU leaders and discuss it. Yes, we should provide Ukraine with better and stronger security guarantees. And, as I said before, this is not because we are good friends of Ukraine, but because the security of Ukraine is ours security”, – noted Borrel in a commentary for “Radio Liberty” in Brussels.

According to the EU’s chief diplomat, Europeans should understand that “we hesitated too much in the past to ensure the necessary military capability of Ukraine.”

“Now we don’t have to hesitate. We can’t allow Ukraine to suffer a protracted war that lasts for years. As I noted, the only way to force Putin to sit down at the negotiating table is to win on the battlefield. There is no other way,” he summarized.

Robert Fizo: “Kyiv will lose territories”

An agreement similar to the Munich agreement of 1938 awaits Ukraine, as a result of which the country will lose its territories and become a victim of the great powers. Such an opinion said the Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico at a meeting of the committee on European affairs of the parliament.

“Peace with Russia will be concluded by Ukraine and the United States. And I am afraid that Ukraine will become a victim, just as we became victims of the Munich Agreement. This is what I think,” said Fico.

Heads of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania and Latvia: “Reliable and realistic”

The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Gabrielus Landsbergis, called the Victory Plan of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi realistic, if appropriate political decisions are made for its implementation.

“We can implement Zelensky’s plan. We have the opportunity to speed up supplies and lift restrictions. We have the opportunity to provide security guarantees so that Russia does not try again. All this is possible. Choosing another plan would be a choice we would regret.” wrote Landsbergis in the social network Kh.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Baiba Braje, called the Victory Plan reliable. “This is a reliable plan for the victory of Ukraine”, – wrote she is in the social network Kh.

Julian Röpke: “Without words”

Analyst and journalist of the German publication Bild, Julian Röpke criticized the Victory Plan, presented by President Zelensky today in the Verkhovna Rada.

“There will be no accession to NATO, there will be no permission to strike deep into the Russian Federation with Western weapons, there will be no joint anti-aircraft defense against Russian aircraft. And the complete liberation of the country is not even mentioned. There are no words,” Röpke wrote on his page in X (Twitter).

According to the analyst, the implementation of each point of the plan has already been rejected by the Western partners.

“The plan does not contain a single item that could actually lead to a turning point on the battlefield,” Röpke believes.

How did the Kremlin react?

Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maria Zakharova said that Zelensky’s Victory Plan pushes NATO to direct war with Russia.

“With his Victory Plan, Volodymyr Zelenskyy is only pushing NATO into a direct conflict with Russia and continues to insist on obtaining the right to strike on Russian territory,” Zakharova said hysterically.

The spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry called the Victory Plan presented by Zelensky a “disaster plan” for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, without specifying at the same time what kind of “disaster” the Kremlin is preparing for Ukrainians in connection with this plan.

What they say in the USA

Ukraine will definitely become a member of the Alliance. Negotiations are currently underway to move closer to accession. This was stated by the permanent the US representative to NATO, Ms. Ambassador Julianna Smith.

“I think NATO’s position on this (invitation – ed.) was very clear. This summer, at the 75th anniversary summit, we declared that Ukraine is on the irreversible path to membership and that Ukraine will become a member of the Alliance,” she said.

However, Smith emphasized that the Alliance is not talking about extending an invitation in the short term.

“But as always, we will continue to talk to our friends in Ukraine to talk to them about how they can continue to move closer to this Alliance,” Smith concluded.

Is it beneficial for the USA to invite Ukraine to NATO: an expert’s opinion

In the first point of the Victory Plan it is about the accession of Ukraine to NATO. In this regard, political expert Andrii Horodnytskyi reported whether it is beneficial for the USA to invite Ukraine to the Alliance.

According to the expert, The United States does not benefit from inviting Ukraine to NATO.

“The first point of the Victory Plan about the invitation to NATO seems unrealistic,” said the political expert.

We will remind, on Wednesday, October 16, the president Volodymyr Zelensky presented the Victory Plan in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. In the first point of the plan it is about the accession of Ukraine to NATO.

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