how the government wants to track retirees who reside abroad

2023-05-30 17:52:17

Margaux Fodéré / Photo credit: LILIAN CAZABET / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP

In its plan to fight once morest social fraud, the government wants to double the adjustments by 2027 but also to strengthen controls for retirees who live abroad. How does the executive intend to do this? Europe 1 details the announcements of the Minister of Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal.

Merger of the Vitale card and the identity card, doubling of adjustments by 2027, changes to the conditions of access to housing allowances… This Tuesday, the Minister of Public Accounts made a series of announcements as part of the plan to fight once morest social fraud wanted by the government. And among them are the strengthening of controls for pensioners living abroad, in particular those who live outside Europe.

The idea follows an experiment: controllers were sent several months ago to Algiers to verify the existence of French pensioners almost a hundred years old. And out of 1,000 files, 300 were non-compliant, a fraud rate of 30%. Gabriel Attal therefore wants to launch a control program for all retirees over the age of 85 who live outside European borders, i.e. nearly 500,000 people.

More human resources in consulates

This will involve appointments at consulates or local banks to verify the civil status of retirees. And for Pascal Brindeau, former UDI deputy and rapporteur for the commission of inquiry into social fraud, this measure is a step in the right direction, but on one condition: “It simply implies that we must strengthen the human resources of consulates in these Because otherwise, you will have a traffic jam of appointments on the question of pension control, in addition to appointments related to residence permits or other visas, “he explains.

On this point, Bercy confirms the principle but does not give a breakdown country by country for the sake of confidentiality. Because of the historical relations between the two countries, 60% of these French retirees over 85 outside the European Union live in Algeria.

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