How the fight with the French tourist started outside a bar in Rethymno VIDEO

The four young men who beat a 36-year-old French tourist outside a bar in Rethymnon in the early hours of Monday 2/9, are expected to go through the investigator’s door today, Wednesday 4 September. According to information, in their apology they are expected to argue that they did not want to harm him, but due to the tension the situation got out of hand.

The 36-year-old suffered a fracture on the left side of his head and required stitches.

How the fight started

The fight appears to have started when the group of Frenchmen came out of the bar, according to an employee, holding a bottle of alcohol. One of them seems to have pushed one of the group of Cretans and then one of the group of bullies grabbed the bottle, with which he started hitting the 36-year-old, while another of the group of four kicked him in the ribs.

The video document from the bloody fight is shocking

The video document shows the moment when the tourist is suddenly surrounded by four locals who only stopped beating him when he collapsed in front of them.

The young man was hit on the head and when he had already fallen to the ground he was kicked in the ribs.

It is the moment when some of those present fear the worst for the unfortunate Frenchman. He is unconscious and some try in vain to help him, just before an ambulance arrives at the scene to take him to a hospital.

#fight #French #tourist #started #bar #Rethymno #VIDEO



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