How the energy giant, TotalEnergies, organized its return to Iraq

2024-04-09 14:00:00

TIt all began here, in Iraq, in the 1920s. It is in this rocky desert that the French Petroleum Company (ancestor of TotalEnergies) obtains, for the first time in its history, direct access to crude oil. The first barrels, extracted in 1927, came from a deposit located near the village of Baba Gurgur, in northern Iraq.

While TotalEnergies has just celebrated its centenary, it is making its comeback to ancient Mesopotamia. The company has made Iraq a laboratory for its multi-energy strategy, offering Iraq an original energy package, composed as follows: oil, gas, solar and water. This four-part project takes place in a country of 42 million inhabitants marked by war and political instability…

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