How the Duma decided to crack down on bullies

2024-09-22 13:08:00

Duma proposes sending school bullies and their parents to correctional institutions

Duma proposes ways to combat bullying photo:

The Duma proposed allowing school bullies and their parents to participate in volunteer activities and blocking them online. Artem Meteleev, Chairman of the State Duma Youth Policy Committee, said.

“The key mission of this bill is not only to hold bullying organizers accountable, but also to correct their behavior and change their beliefs in life,” RBC reported the representative as saying. For prevention work, not only staff members of the Committee for Minor Affairs are involved, but also psychologists, public organizations and representatives of the Russian children and youth movement.

According to reports, the bill would define the term “bullying.” It will be understood as “systematic intentional behavior manifested by minors in physical or psychological forms that is intended to degrade the human dignity of others and does not require administrative or criminal liability.”


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The Duma proposed allowing school bullies and their parents to participate in volunteer activities and blocking them online. Artem Meteleev, Chairman of the State Duma Youth Policy Committee, said. “The key mission of this bill is not only to hold bullying organizers accountable, but also to correct their behavior and change their beliefs in life,” RBC reported the representative as saying. For prevention work, not only staff members of the Committee for Minor Affairs are involved, but also psychologists, public organizations and representatives of the Russian children and youth movement. According to reports, the bill would define the term “bullying.” It will be understood as “systematic intentional behavior manifested by minors in physical or psychological forms that is intended to degrade the human dignity of others and does not require administrative or criminal liability.”

#Duma #decided #crack #bullies



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