How the depot suffers when war breaks out

GGood morning, dear investors, how are you today? And how is your dear money doing? Are you happy and content? Or are you more worried? I am asking you because I have the impression that at the moment – ​​once once more – there is great fear. We are afraid for our health, we are afraid of climate change, and we are afraid of a war in Russia. I don’t mean to make fun of you with these hints. But I want to make you aware that fear not only has fatal effects on the psyche, but also on dealing with money. Or can you live with the fact that prices will rise once more? And will you be okay with the stocks going down if Ukraine crashes? In short: If you too are worried regarding ending up under the bridge or in the hospital by autumn of this year at the latest, then please study the two cases that I would like to present to you today as proof that nothing is eaten as hot as it has been previously cooked.

The first case is a 60-year-old Berliner who, by his own admission, is still in good shape. The young man has two children by a lady he was never married to. And he lives with a woman he doesn’t want to marry. Those are the best prerequisites for reaching the age of at least 85 years. Or do you rather share the investor’s view that life is not a bed of roses? The man would like to retire, but the German pension insurance will not open their funds for another six years, and the monthly payments of 2,500 euros are not cause for celebration in the opinion of the future pensioner. What can I say?



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