How the 13 Mobile Operations Centers will work for natural disaster management 2024-02-25 22:36:19

The contract for their receipt was signed a few days ago by the Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, Vassilis Kikilia, and is the first signing of a contract for the supply of equipment through TAIPED, amounting to 8.7 million euros, in the context of the implementation of the “Aegis” program.

Each Mobile Operations Center consists of a system of two 4X4 vehicles. The first with technology, information and communications jobs and a tethered drone, for instant transmission of visual material with clarity. The second as a support and equipment vehicle. At the same time, they will have a weather station and interoperability systems with the Fire Department’s fleet management system “ENGAGE”.

The new centers will be placed in the 13 regional fire administrations of the country, significantly increasing the operational capabilities of the Fire Brigade and will be added to the 4 mobile operational centers with the code name “OLYMPOS” that the Fire Brigade already has.

The Mobile Operations Centers will be staffed by drivers from the Fire Brigade as well as personnel from the Regional Operations Centers (PEKE), while they will also be accompanied by scientific personnel to provide immediate information and data to those in the field so that time is “zeroed out” but and to have a more effective treatment. In particular, the Mobile Command Centers are expected to contribute, on the one hand, to the support of the work of the Civil Protection for the management of serious emergency situations, and on the other hand, to the development of the operational capability of the Fire Brigade. At the same time, they will contribute to the immediate intervention in affected areas, significantly optimizing response times while being able to contribute to making critical decisions. Finally, they will have the ability to monitor and coordinate actions in cases of natural or technological disasters.

The Mobile Operation Centers will be small, flexible, four-wheel drive vehicles (Van) and will have the ability to reach more inaccessible places in order to have a greater territorial coverage for the purpose of immediate and rapid intervention. In addition, in the event that extraordinary and increased needs arise, they will have the possibility to move to another region, while if requested, they will be able to assist in incidents abroad.

“Within the development projects of the strategic risk management plan of the Civil Protection based on the national program “AEGIS” the formation of a vertically integrated administrative organization is foreseen. This will allow interoperability between Civil Protection structures with the aim of their proper coordination for the maximum effectiveness of all their actions. Therefore, the existence of Mobile Command Centers in the field of action with the aim of orderly administration and holistic crisis management is decisive in dealing with natural disasters”, emphasizes Pyrarch Nektarios Theodorakos. As he explains, the Mobile Centers are tasked with assisting the work of the chief at an operational level in the field to deal with forest fires, earthquakes and floods, accidents and other serious incidents as well as technological disasters. Among other things they provide support to the coordination of existing ground and air forces as well as the involved partner agencies. They transmit requests, orders, instructions and information, enhance wireless communication, and contribute to the smooth conduct of administrative support and care.

The Mobile Operations Centers are essentially expected to be the link between the field of operations of the local regional centers as well as the National Coordination Center for Operations and Crisis Management, as mentioned by Mr. Theodorakos while adding that meetings, coordination meetings, leadership briefings can be held within the mobile centers and teleconferencing.

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#Mobile #Operations #Centers #work #natural #disaster #management



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