How THAAD works, the powerful anti-missile defense system that the US will send to Israel against Iran – El Comercio Peru

Sure! Here’s an engaging commentary, presented with a mixture of observational wit and humor in the style of Jimmy Carr, Rowan Atkinson, Ricky Gervais, and Lee Evans:

THAAD: The Fancy New Toy in Israel’s Defense Arsenal

“By order of the president, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin authorized the deployment of…THAAD!” You know it’s serious when the Secretary of Defense pulls out the big words like “authorized.” Sounds a bit like government lingo for “We’re sending cool stuff to our friends!” Although, let’s be honest, it’s not the same as Christmas but for military something-or-other. It’s like saying, “You can’t come to my house; I’ve got guests – armed guests!”

The THAAD system isn’t just your average hedge trimmer; we’re talking about a truck-mounted missile defense system that’s more prepared than your average reality TV contestant. With six launchers and 48 interceptors, it’s like they took military hardware and turned it into a mobile fortress! And it takes 95 soldiers to operate. I mean, that seems like a lot of people for a system that can supposedly zap missiles out of the sky! What’s next, a reality show titled “Who Wants to Operate THAAD?”

“Look, honey, we’ve just got THAAD! Now we can defend ourselves and finally take the missile-striking neighbors off our Christmas card list!”

Why Now?

Well, turns out, the request for these shiny new toys came after Iran decided to throw a surprise missile party. You know, nothing says “I care” like launching 200 balloons filled with explosives towards your neighbor! So, it seems like the U.S. was like, “Alright, Israel, let’s get you armed up. Better safe than sorry!” This isn’t just a run-of-the-mill delivery; it’s a strategic military operation, probably to avoid having to call in the neighborhood watch.

But here’s the kicker: Israel’s been connected to THAAD’s radar since 2012, and now they’re finally getting the full battery. Makes you wonder what they were doing all this time—playing with their new gadget on the side while hoping no one noticed?

And What About Iran?

Ah, now to Iran. They’re feeling a bit spooked about the whole THAAD situation. Iran’s Foreign Minister, Abbas Araqchi, essentially said, “Hey America, you’re putting your troops in danger.” You’ve got to love the rhetorical bravado—it’s like getting a knuckle sandwich disguised as diplomatic dialogue!

To add more spice to the hotpot of tension, Araqchi waved around a graph showing the U.S. military aid to Israel, which is like showing your rival a trophy that’s already collected dust. Just when you thought the cold war of words would warm up, it seems like they might just be reaching for the deep fryer!

“If only we could all stop throwing missiles and start trading recipes instead!”

So, What’s THAAD Anyway?

The THAAD system is frequently touted as the superhero of missile defense. Developed by none other than Lockheed Martin, it’s practically the James Bond of military technology. Each battery costs about $1 billion—so about the same amount you’d spend on a small island… or a really fancy car. But I digress. It uses kinetic energy to obliterate incoming projectiles—“hit to kill,” they call it. Sounds like a slogan for a very intense video game, right?

So, how does this thing actually work? Picture this: An enemy launches a missile, and THAAD’s radar detects it faster than you can say, “Oh dear!” Command and control kicks in and, boom! The interceptor launches and kaboom! No more bad missile. Who knew missile defense could be so dramatic?

The Bottom Line

If anyone thought the Middle East was just another boring place in the world, think again! With the THAAD missiles being brought into the scene, it seems like we’re gearing up for a real-life game of “who’s got the bigger gadgets.” Where analysts talk about military cooperation and double standards, I can only wonder if we’re heading for a situation where everyone just tries to out-missile each other. Maybe we should just switch to water balloons? Much less threatening!

In conclusion, the THAAD’s arrival stirs the pot in an already bubbling cauldron of geopolitics. Let’s just hope, at some point, we can all sit down, have a chat over tea, and negotiate our way out of these tense situations before they boil over!

And there you have it! A sharp, engaging commentary with a playful twist on a serious topic.

“By order of the president, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin authorized the deployment of a battery of the system High Altitude Area Defense Terminal (THAAD) and an associated crew of US military personnel in Israel to help reinforce the air defenses of Israel following Iran’s unprecedented attacks on April 13 and October 1″stated the United States Department of Defense in a statement.

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Each battery THAAD It consists of six truck-mounted launchers, 48 ​​interceptors, radio and radar equipment, and requires 95 soldiers to operate.

A THAAD ballistic missile defense system during a Made in America display on the South Lawn of the White House, July 15, 2019. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

/ Alex Brandon

USA will immediately deliver to Israel air defense batteries THAAD to help intercept ballistic missilesthe Ynet and Channel 12 media revealed on Saturday, citing American sources.

Ynet said the move follows a request from Israel to Washington to send additional military assets to the region, in addition to providing assistance with air defense.

Israel has in its territory a radar system linked to the THAAD since 2012, but this is the first time that a missile battery complete with interceptors.

Late last year, the United States deployed one of the batteries in Middle East along with systems Patriot additional measures to reinforce the protection of its forces in the region after the October 7, 2023 attack by Hamas a Israel.

Channel 12 said that the decision to operate the system defense THAAD on Israeli soil comes in preparation for an expected Iranian response to the anticipated retaliatory attack that Israel ready against Iran y that will occur at any time.

Israel has promised to respond after Iran launched some 200 ballistic missiles against its territory on October 1, while the United States pressures the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu so that the reprisal sea moderate and proportional.

The United States fears that Israel’s retaliation will include targets such as Iran’s oil industry and its nuclear program, something that could end up leading to an all-out war in the Middle East.

This US Forces Korea (USFK) photograph, taken March 6, 2017, shows the first THAAD defense elements arriving at US Osan Air Base. (US FORCES KOREA / AFP).


According to a NBC News report Saturday, U.S. officials believe Israel has narrowed its list of possible targets to military and energy infrastructure in Iran.

There are no indications that Israel attack nuclear facilities or carry out targeted assassinations, states the report, citing US officials on condition of anonymity. Israel has not made final decisions on how and when to actadds the report.

Iran alleged that its October 1 attack was retaliation for the assassination in Tehran of Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh; of the elimination of the head of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah; and a prominent Iranian general identified as Abbas Nilforushanboth in Lebanon.

The American newspaper “The Washington Post” analyzed images and videos of the attack and confirmed that At least 25 Iranian ballistic missiles hit three Israeli military facilities.

According to that medium, 20 missiles hit the air base of Nevatimin the south of the desert Néguev; and three others at the base of Tel Noflocated in the central part of the occupied territories. In addition, at least two missiles fell near the headquarters of the Mossad in Tel Aviv.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Seyed Abas Araqchi speaks during a joint press conference with his Iraqi counterpart, in Baghdad, on October 13, 2024. (Photo by Murtaja LATEEF / AFP).


On Sunday, given the news that the United States will take the THAAD a Israelthe foreign minister of Iran, Abbas Araqchi, warned Washington that If that happens, he would be putting his troops “in danger.”

“We have made a tremendous effort in recent days to contain an open war in our region, “But I say clearly that we do not have red lines when it comes to defending our people and their interests,” he said. Araqchi.

In his warning Araqchi showed a graph that reflects the military aid provided by USA a Israel since 1960, with considerable peaks of up to 14 billion dollars per year weighted with its current value in the 1970s, coinciding with Israel’s wars with the Arab countries, but which now exceeds 17.9 billion dollars, according to official data from the Agency for United States for International Development (USAID). Between both peaks, the figure was more or less stable around 4 billion dollars annually.

What is behind the arrival of THAAD to Israel

This combination of image captures shows ballistic missiles launched by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) during military exercises. (AFP).

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Andrés Gómez de la Torrea specialist in defense and intelligence issues, told The Commerce that with this move “it is clear that US military cooperation, which consists of the transfer of these highly advanced anti-aircraft systems, They represent a kind of non-offensive escalation by Israel”.

The United States is going to increase Israel’s defense capacity in the face of the potential Iranian threat that may come in retaliation. It is clear that Israel “It is preparing for the possibility of attacking Iranian nuclear power plants and receiving a ballistic missile attack in response.”noted Gómez de la Torre.

The analyst also referred to Washington’s ambiguous role in the current crisis in the Middle East, where he publicly asks Israel moderation and accept a ceasefire with Hamas in Gaza, and on the other hand continues to sign agreements for the delivery of weapons.

“About the United States, it is already difficult to say that it continues to indirectly support Israel, I believe that it was always direct and is in the context of something that is common, a double standard or double track diplomacy, because The American military commitment to the cause of Israel is clear in terms of military technology and defense support. “I think that was clear, despite the fact that Netanyahu was publicly asked for moderation,” noted Gómez de la Torre.

With respect to Iran and his warning against the supply of THAADGómez de la Torre said that it is clear that Its message has to do with announcing retaliation using its ballistic technology if its nuclear power plants are attacked..

Iran has developed a great capacity to carry out these hybrid outsourced wars using its proxies such as Hezbollah, Hamas, the Iraqi resistance, the Houthis, etc., but leaving the box and constantly entering into the direct response to Israel It means entering a scenario that is going to be extremely complicated from the point of view of security and survival of the Islamic Republic, said Gómez de la Torre.

What is the THAAD system like?

The THAAD anti-missile shield. (AFP).

He High Altitude Area Defense Terminal was developed in the United States by the Lockheed Martin company and has projectile launchers that have the ability to intercept ballistic missiles in their final stage.

Each battery costs $1 billion.

According to a report from the United States Congress in April, the country has seven defense system batteries THAADconsidered complementary to the system Patriotjust that with a longer range, between 150 and 200 kilometers.

The THAAD uses “hit the target” (hit-to-kill), in which kinetic energy destroys the incoming warhead.

USA has displayed the THAAD in Guam, Hawaii and South Korea as a deterrent measure against North Korea.

How does it work? When the enemy launches a missile, the radar system THAAD It detects it and transmits the information to command and control, which orders the launch of an interceptor missile, which destroys the enemy projectile in the terminal phase of flight.



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