2024-04-30 03:53:39
Dentists have warned that snoring, which is often an indicator of serious health problems, can lead to oral health problems.
Concerning the relationship between snoring and mouth and tooth problems, doctors explained to the British newspaper “Mirror” that people who suffer from snoring often sleep with their mouths open, which dries the mouth and reduces the amount of saliva. and the result is more bacteria, which increases the risk of gum disease and tooth decay, or even tooth loss.
Among the harms caused by snoring:
Dry mouth
Doctors say that snoring forces people to breathe through their mouth, which reduces saliva production and thus dries out the mouth. A lack of saliva increases the risk of oral infections, and a chronic dry mouth can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Because saliva is essential for maintaining good oral health.
Bad breath
Snoring can lead to bad breath and occurs when persistent dry mouth leads to tooth decay or gum disease.
Dry mouth resulting from snoring increases bacteria buildup. Which means less saliva to prevent tooth decay.
Gum Diseases and Infections
Other symptoms of a lack of saliva resulting from a dry mouth include gum disease and infections that occur when plaque, tartar, and bacteria build up on the teeth; Which leads to redness, swelling and bleeding of the gums.
When the condition is left untreated, it can progress to gum disease, which attacks the soft tissues around the teeth. Which causes tooth loss.
Interrupted sleep caused by snoring or sleep apnea can increase markers of inflammation in the blood, which can make gum disease worse.
Finally, doctors emphasized that regular dental checkups are essential not only for early detection and treatment of gum disease, but also for comprehensive preventive care.
#Medical #Warning #Snoring #Tooth #Loss