How Rosický grew into a boss: docile, patient and decisive. Now the next step

The transformation (v) of a man is copied by the boom of Sparta Prague. The apprentice has become a professor, and that is why the flight team is in a company where he did not belong for nineteen years. In the Champions League. A brilliant player became a great boss, a sporting director who made no compromises, which he used willy-nilly while studying a new profession. Tomáš Rosický is a key figure in Spartan success. His aura, patience and determination helped to create a football factory, at this moment without a doubt the most successful in the Czech Republic.

Brian Priske did not hesitate when asked if Tomáš Rosický had matured enough to go abroad to head one of the big clubs, and actually responded with astonishment: “I think it’s clear.”

After all, the Spartan sports director himself admitted in the winter that he got the lasso from the shiny address. He wasn’t specific, he really likes to be mysterious (see transfer negotiations), he just let it out that it wasn’t Dortmund or Arsenal, his fateful engagement as a player.

Tomáš Sivok, manager of the A-team, former captain of Sparta, who tried his hand at a key position for every club in České Budějovice (since his departure, things have gone from ten to five there, but that’s another story), once again does not hide: “From Rosa, everyone I teach by day.”

What can he see? Rosicky, a bit arrogant, is in an exposed position similar to how he was on the pitch. You may not recognize elegance here, but there are other attributes.



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