How retirement age limits are “reduced” by fictitious years [Πίνακες με ποσά]

The key given by the fictitious years is that with them the required insurance period until 2012 is completed, which for those insured before 1993 also determines the age they will get pension.

For employed insured persons of the former IKA and special funds (DEKO – Banks) up to 4 years are recognized to complete the time required in 2011, up to 5 years for 2012 and up to 7 years from 2013 onwards.

The categories of fictitious years are from military service, unemployment, study, children’s time, insurance gaps and illness.

As of 2010, 400 days of unemployment and sickness (200+200 days from any cause) plus military service are recognized.

When the insurance period is completed until 2012, which is for example the 5,500 days of insurance for mothers with a minor and IKA insurance, 25 years for mothers in DEKO funds, or 35 years for IKA, etc. then the insured secure more favorable retirement conditions and retire even before the age of 62.

For mothers insured in the IKA as well as in DEKO-bank funds, it is not allowed to purchase time due to children, if they are going to leave under the provisions of a minor.

For those insured by the State, 25 years until 2012 is also the criterion for the foundation of the pension right and the age limit they will have to retire.

In order to establish pension conditions until 31/12/2010, as many fictitious years as are needed until the completion of 25 years of military service, educational leave up to 5 years, parental leave, and child time for mothers are recognized. For establishment from 1/1/2011, the fictitious times recognized apply both to the establishment of a pension right (25 years) and to the completion of the total insurance period (36, 37, or 40 years).

The total number of years that an insured can recognize in the State for 25 years in 2011 is 4 years, for 2012 it is 5 years and from 2013 onwards they can recognize as 7 years. In addition, they have up to 5 years due to children. Therefore, the total notional time that can be redeemed in the State by employees with 1 to 3 children is 5 to 9 years for 2011, 6 to 10 years for 2012 and 8 to 12 years from 2013 onwards.

Freelancers (men and women insured in OAEE) and men insured as self-employed in ETAA have the possibility, through acquisitions, to lock in 35 years until 2012 and retire at 61 to 62 years without necessarily having 40 years of insurance.

If they are not 35 years old by 2012, or if they do not turn 40, they turn 67.

For the 35th anniversary, 4 and 5 years are recognized respectively to be completed in the years 2011 and 2012 and as 7 from 2013 onwards to complete the 40th anniversary. They also recognize as 5 years from the time of activity before being registered in their funds to complete the 35 years until 2010, while after 2011 this time is included in the other fictitious years.

Pension up to 9 years earlier

The insured have the opportunity to retire 5 to 9 years earlier by purchasing notional time.

Here’s how with examples:

1. A mother insured before 1993 with the IKA with 5,100 days of insurance and a minor child in 2011 (who came of age in 2012) is entitled to a full pension with the age limit that applies when she turns 57 and reduced by 52the respectively, since he is a minor and has 5,500 days of insurance in 2011. With the 5,100 days, however, he will be 67. To avoid them, he can recognize 400 days from unemployment, illness, study time, insurance gaps (not from children’s time and complete 5,500 days for a pension with provisions for mothers in 2011. If she turned 57the year after 2021, he will receive a full pension at 67, while due to fictitious claims he is entitled to a reduced one at 58.5, i.e. he retires almost 9 years before 67.

2. Newly insured in the IKA from 1993 onwards with 30 years in 2023 and age 57 will wait until 67 for a full pension, while if he decides to apply now for the redemption of fictitious insurance time, he can when he turns 62 he will have and 35 years, to recognize another 5 from military service, studies, children, and come out with 40 years at 62, saving 5 years from the age limit of 67.


The old – before 1993 – insured even today have the right to fill in the “signals” they are missing until 2012 with fictitious times and thus secure retirement age limits before 67 or even before 62.


Young people insured from 1/1/1993 onwards have no option to retire before 62the year. All they can do is recognize as 7 years to reach 40 years faster for full pension at 62. Otherwise they will get reduced at 62 and full at 67.

The combative 5 years in the Army and the Security Forces

By law, the so-called combat 5 years for the uniformed, was extended to all those who until now were excluded and now everyone has the possibility to recognize in addition to the other fictitious years (children,, studies, etc.) double the 5 years in any unit or service. The extra 5 years applies to all officers of the three branches of the Armed Forces, permanent or serving military, in any unit or service. The double 5-year term is also recognized by the officers (permanent or on duty) of the Security Forces who serve or have served in the Headquarters of the former Gendarmerie, the former City Police, the Hellenic Police, the Fire Brigade and the Coast Guard.

A prerequisite is to have completed 25 years of actual service.
For the active permanent or on-duty or contract staff of the Hellenic Police, the Fire Brigade and the Coast Guard – Hellenic Coast Guard, the 5-year is recognized with a contribution of 20% on the respective compensation for work beyond five days. For the officers of the Armed Forces, the acquisition is made with a contribution of 6.67% on their regular salaries.

The insured categories that come out earlier with fictitious years

1. Full IKA mothers’ pension (insurance before 1993)

5,500 days until 2010 and a minor child
Age 55 Retirement age
in 2016 58
in 2017 59,6
in 2018 61
in 2019 62,6
in 2020 64
in 2021 65,6
in 2022 67
5,500 days in 2011 and a minor child
Age 57 Retirement age
in 2016 59,6
in 2017 60,9
in 2018 62
in 2019 63,3
in 2020 64,6
in 2021 65,9
in 2022 67

2. Reduced IKA mothers’ pension (insurance before 1993)

5,500 stamps and a minor in 2010, or 2011
Age 50, or 52 Retirement age
in 2016 56,9
in 2017 58,5
in 2018 60,2
in 2019 61,10
from 1/1/2020 62

3. Full pension for mothers from DEKO-Bank funds

With a minor and 25 years old in 2011
Age 50, or 52 Retirement age
2016 56,9
2017 58,5
2018 60,2
2019 61,1
2020 63,7
2021 65,3
2022 67

4. Pension from OAEE and ETAA

With 35 years until 2012 and age 60 Retirement age
In 2018 61
In 2019 61,3
In 2020 61,6
In 2021 61,9
In 2022 62 to 40 years old
35 years since 2013 62 to 40 years, or 67

Pension from the State

1. Parents of minors aged 25 in 2011

ORage 52 Retirement age limit
in 2017 58,5
in 2018 60,2
in 2019 61,1
in 2020 63,7
in 2021 65,3
From 1/1/2022 67

2. Parents of minors aged 25 in 2012

Age 55 Retirement age limit
in 2017 59,6
in 2018 61
in 2019 62,6
in 2020 64
in 2021 65,6
From 1/1/2022 67

3. With 25 years until 2011 and 35 or 36 in total

35, or 36 years and age 58 Retirement age limit
In 2018 60
In 2019 60,5
In 2020 61
In 2021 61,5
From 1/1/2022 62 and 40 years

4. With 25 years until 2010 and 37 in total

37 years and age 55 Retirement age limit
In 2018 58,6
In 2019 59,5
In 2020 60,3
In 2021 61,2
From 1/1/2022 62 and 40 years

5. With 25 years in 2012 and 37 in total

37 years and age 59 Retirement age limit
In 2018 60,6
In 2019 60,11
In 2020 61,3
In 2021 61,8
From 1/1/2022 62 and 40 years

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