How Pubg game started spying on its users? Important revelations ahead

How Pubg game started spying on its users? Important revelations ahead

Experts from a mobile phone security company have revealed that the PUBG game and 53 other apps are being used to spy on iPhone users.

According to an international media report, mobile and cyber security experts conducted a study on spying on the sensitive information of iPhone users.

Experts said in their report that 53 apps, including Tik Tok and PubG, are engaged in spying on iPhone users through lip syncing. With the help of the mentioned apps, the sensitive information of users’ clipboard is being spied on.

According to experts, sensitive user information includes tracking phone passwords, cryptocurrencies, wallet addresses, account reset links, iCloud and personal messages.

Cyber ​​and mobile security watchdogs tried to publish the report in March but put it on hold for a while after the iPhone was confirmed.

Experts say that even after three months, the iPhone management has not removed the said apps from the store or informed the users about this, the said companies are still spying.

Experts say these apps threaten users’ privacy because they repeatedly read information from the clipboard, which is typically used to collect data from a user’s computer or other devices. in which most passwords and other important information are stored.

Research experts once again raised the question that we do not understand why the users are being spied on by the said apps and why the Apple management has not taken action against these companies.

#Pubg #game #started #spying #users #Important #revelations #ahead
2024-08-15 05:23:25



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