How Poor Physical Health Increases Depression – Life & Style

Physical weakness, fatigue, stress are considered normal but it is a matter of concern that cannot be ignored.

According to a media report, new research has found that poor physical health across multiple organ systems in the body is significantly associated with depression, as the brain has an important connection to physical health.

The research, published in Nature Mental Health, is the first to identify the biological pathways by which physical frailty can harm mental health.

The study included people between the ages of 40 and 70 (with a mean age of 53.7) who were recruited between 2006 and 2010. The researchers examined the health of their seven main body systems (organs), which are the lungs, muscles and bones, kidneys, liver, heart, and the systems that control metabolism and immunity. They also asked participants questions about their lifestyle and environment to better understand their overall health.