How often should the wifi router be restarted?


Rebooting the router is advice shared by many tech experts, but don’t overdo it either.


One of the connection tools that the advancement of technology created is the Wi-Fi network. With it, devices can interact through the internet and various computers can be connected to that signal.

These routers are small boxes with antennas that make it possible to transmit the signal at different points from the home, the company or the place where the tool is placed; however, it should be noted that the coverage of the router works for a specific distance.

Usually, routers are installed by technicians who work with Internet servers, therefore, they do not need constant manipulation. However, this does not mean that they do not require maintenance.

Several support blogs state that One of the practices that digital consumers resort to the most is that of restarting the router. According to website compilations Adsl Zoneit is recommended to restart the wifi router to avoid connectivity problems.

As it is, restarting the router is advice shared by several technology experts, but you should not overdo it either.

How often do you have to restart it?

According to those inside the subject, there is no certain number in days to consider restarting the Wi-Fi router, but The recommendation is to do it every time you experience complications in the Internet connection.

These complications can be a decrease in browsing speed or sudden interruptions in the signal transmitted by the router; in short, it can be restarted periodically, either once a month or every quarter.

Unfriendly objects for the router

  • Microwave: They use 2.4GHz electromagnetic waves, which are similar to old Wi-Fi with low transmission. In that sense, it is recommended to move the router away from this and most household appliances.
  • Heating: It can intervene in the speed of the network, especially if they are located in various points of the house or company.
  • TV: the metallic components of this object cause constant interference.
  • Radios: due to the frequencies it has and are usually in the same standards as the Wi-Fi network.
  • bluetooth wireless devices: By generating a wireless connection, they can interfere with data transmission processes for internet speed.
  • glasses or mirrors with metal inlays.

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