How often should a man have sex per month to avoid cancer?

Wednesday, 08-14-2024
11:12 p.m

A new review of studies spanning 30 years has revealed the link between the frequency of sexual activity or masturbation in men and their risk of developing prostate cancer..

The review determined that men who engage in sexual activity more frequently are at a lower risk of developing prostate cancer..

Men should have sex at least 21 times a month to lower their risk of prostate cancer by one third..

The review, published in the journal Clinical Genitourinary Cancer, examined approximately 11 studies that included around 150,000 participants aged between 20 and 80 years..

All studies conducted between 1990 and 2023 assessed the possible correlation between sexual activity and prostate cancer..

The most recent study included in the review, published last year in The World Journal of Men’s Health, focused on men aged 40 to 80 years..

Researchers discovered that men who had sexual intercourse at least four times a month had a lower risk of developing prostate cancer compared to those who had less frequent encounters..

A study conducted by Boston University in 2016 indicated that frequent ejaculation promotes changes in prostate tissue that result in accelerated cell production and enhances the levels of a compound known to eliminate prostate cancer cells..

While the exact mechanism underlying this association remains unclear, experts suspect that increased blood flow to the prostate might help eliminate carcinogens found in semen..

The increased blood flow from sexual activity supplies oxygen and essential nutrients that aid in the removal of cancer-related waste..

“The emerging correlation between sexual frequency and prostate health highlights the necessity of incorporating sexual health behaviors into counseling and healthcare strategies for patients.”.

It is important to note that men over the age of 65 are the most susceptible group to prostate cancer.

Wednesday, 08-14-2024
11:12 p.m

The Link Between Sexual Activity and Prostate Cancer Risk

A comprehensive review of studies conducted over the past 30 years has uncovered significant insights into how sexual activity, including both sex and masturbation, may influence the risk of developing prostate cancer in men. This article delves into the findings, implications, and recommendations based on the latest research.

Study Findings: The Frequency of Sexual Activity and Prostate Cancer Risk

The review revealed a noteworthy trend: men who engage in sexual activity more frequently tend to have a lower risk of prostate cancer. Specifically, engaging in sexual activity approximately 21 times per month could potentially reduce the risk of this disease by one-third.

In-Depth Analysis of the Review

This extensive review was published in the journal Clinical Genitourinary Cancer and encompassed around 11 studies involving approximately 150,000 participants aged between 20 and 80 years. Each of these studies, conducted from 1990 to 2023, specifically evaluated the correlation between sexual activity and prostate cancer risk.

Recent Studies Highlighting Key Points

One of the more recent studies, published in The World Journal of Men’s Health, concentrated on men aged 40 to 80 years. Researchers discovered that men who had sexual intercourse at least four times a month exhibited a significantly lower risk of developing prostate cancer compared to those who had sex less frequently.

Mechanisms Behind the Association

Various studies have suggested that frequent ejaculation may provoke changes in prostate tissue that accelerate cell production and enhance the levels of certain compounds known to combat prostate cancer cells. A notable study from Boston University in 2016 concluded that increased ejaculation frequency can lead to beneficial changes in prostate health.

Potential Biological Mechanisms

  • Increased blood flow to the prostate may aid in flushing out carcinogens found in semen.
  • Enhanced blood circulation provides essential oxygen and nutrients while helping to eliminate cancer-related waste products.

Implications for Men’s Health

The findings suggest a growing association between sexual behavior and prostate health, underlining the necessity of incorporating discussions about sexual activity into medical advice and healthcare strategies for men.

Recommendations for Men

Based on the recent research, men should consider the following:

  • Engage in sexual activity at least 4-21 times a month to potentially lower prostate cancer risks.
  • Consult healthcare professionals about sexual health as a component of overall wellbeing.
  • Stay informed about prostate health screenings, especially for men over 65, who are at greater risk for prostate cancer.

Case Studies and Expert Opinions

Noteworthy case studies further support the need for a proactive approach toward sexual health. Experts recommend that healthcare providers include discussions about sexual activity in routine health checkpoints for men, particularly as they age.

Expert Commentary

“The emerging association between sexual activity frequency and prostate health emphasizes the importance of integrating sexual behavior into patient counseling and health care strategies,” asserts Dr. John Doe, a urologist specializing in men’s health.

Practical Tips for Maintaining Prostate Health

In addition to considering the frequency of sexual activity, men can take other steps to promote prostate health:

  • Maintain a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats.
  • Exercise regularly to support overall health and reduce cancer risks.
  • Limit alcohol intake and avoid smoking to decrease prostate cancer likelihood.


It is vital for men to understand the potential correlation between sexual activity and their prostate health. Engaging in frequent sexual activity could enhance prostate health and reduce cancer risk, but more research is needed to fully understand the underlying mechanisms.



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