How much will a video make a million views earn? I know YouTubers earn money, how much?

2023-05-09 17:00:00

Tuesday, 09 May 2023 08:00 PM

Al-Youm Al-Sabea TV broadcasted a special coverage about the profits of content presenters or “Youtubers”, and how much their income is if one of their videos achieves a million views.

When a video clip on YouTube reaches a million views, it generates a large guaranteed profit for its maker, which in some cases may reach a 5-digit amount.

During an interview with Insider, technology content creator Shelby Church talked about the amount she receives from YouTube, and said it ranges between $3,400 and $30,000 for every million views.

And Church had won $ 30,000 for a video clip explaining the “Fulfillment by Amazon” service, as the video achieved 1.8 million views.

It said its earnings per thousand views rate is relatively high, due to its content niche, with business, personal finance and technology channels earning more money than others.

“YouTubers don’t always make big money, it depends on the type of videos you make,” she added.

Influencers can earn 55% of video ad revenue if they are part of the YouTube Partner Program. To qualify for this program, a content creator must have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours for their videos.

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