2023-08-25 06:02:29
How much rice to serve per person?
To be able to determine the total quantity of rice to prepare for your meal, it is best to define the ideal portion per person. Generally, a standard portion of dry rice per person ranges between 50 and 75 grams. When the rice is cooked, the amount of rice increases. But the exact portion of rice per person can depend on several factors. It all depends on the age of the person, if they are active, and if it is a main dish or a side dish. For this you can use a scale or a mustard glass to determine the exact portion. If it is an accompaniment, to be served with the main dish and other dishes, then 50 grams of raw rice per person is suitable which is the equivalent of half a mustard glass. But if, on the contrary, rice is the main dish, in recipes such as basmati rice sautéed with vegetables or even a succulent rice with chicken, the portion of 70 or 75 grams of dry rice per person is more appropriate.
How much dry rice to cook?
You can plan between 50 and 75 grams of dry rice for each person, depending on whether it is the main course or to accompany other dishes such as salad. Before cooking, use a scale to weigh the rice to ensure the correct measurement, as visual appearance can be deceiving.
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In addition, the type of rice to be cooked must be taken into account to assess the exact quantity to be cooked. Here is a detailed table of the quantities you can get depending on the type of rice you are cooking:
185 grams of dry rice | Volume of cooked rice |
Rice Basmati | 555 grammes |
Sticky rice | 555 grammes |
Jasmine rice | 555 grammes |
Instant white rice | 370 grammes |
Wild rice | 555 grammes |
Whole grain brown rice | 740 grammes |
Medium grain white rice | 555 grammes |
Long grain white rice | 555 grammes |
Short grain rice | 555 grammes |
Tips for cooking rice properly
To prepare delicious rice dishes, here are some tips to keep in mind:
- Make sure the water to rice ratio is slightly above 2:1, if you want fluffy rice. This means that to cook 185 grams of rice, you need to use regarding 370 ml of water volume.
- To enhance the flavor of your rice dish, use chicken or beef broth in place of water for cooking. If you are vegetarian, you can use vegetable broth.
No matter how you organize yourself and despite all the calculations you can do to obtain precise quantities, you can often find leftover rice that you can reuse for future meals. Just store it properly. To do this, let the rice cool and then use an airtight container or freezer bag. Note that the rice should be eaten as soon as possible following cooking and not left in the refrigerator for long. You can also freeze it for a month by dividing the rice into small portions in airtight containers.
To reheat your rice, simply transfer it to a container and add a little water before placing it in the microwave for a minute. Another option is to pour the cold rice into a pot of boiling water for a minute, then drain.
How much basmati rice do I need for 4 adults?
A portion of basmati rice per person can be 50 grams. For 4 people, the quantity would therefore be 200 grams of dry rice. Remember that the amount of rice, once cooked, will be greater.
Is there a recommended amount of rice per meal?
The ideal amount of rice per person generally varies depending on its role in the meal, whether it is the main source of carbohydrates or not. Once you have decided on the portion for each person, you can simply multiply it by the number of people invited to your meal.
How to measure rice and water?
To obtain a fluffy texture and distinct grains with long-grain varieties of rice, such as basmati or jasmine, use 1.5 parts water to 1 part rice.
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Rice cooked in a rice cooker. Source: spm
If you are preparing brown rice, the water/rice measurements vary slightly depending on the variety (medium, long or short grain): use approximately 2.5 parts water to 1 part brown rice.
If you are aiming for a dish of short-grain rice, both tender and slightly sticky, with sushi rice or bomba rice, here is the recommended proportion: 2 parts water for ½ part rice.
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