How much is it trading at this Wednesday, October 25 after Sergio Massa’s announcements

2023-10-25 17:02:00

He Dolar blue opens lower this Wednesday, October 25, after having remained at record levels the previous day, around 1,100 pesos. However, the dollar used by companies (CCL) and savers (MEP) they advance marginally.

In the stock market, the dollar counted with settlement It falls sharply again, marking values ​​of $830.07. The MEP dollar It also trades down at $824.49.

The blue dollar, for its part, falls $100 today from its historical maximum of $1,100 in the City of Buenos Airesand sells for $1,000. So far in 2023, The blue dollar accumulates an increase of $654, after closing the year 2022 at $346. The gap with the official exchange rate remains around 200%, a sign that devaluation pressures and expectations are very important.

Price of the blue dollar in the City of Buenos Aires this Wednesday, October 25.

So far this year, it has experienced significant monthly variations. It has advanced in January ($35 or +10.1%), experienced a drop in February ($6 or -1.6%), followed by promotions in March ($20 or +5.3%) and April ($74 or +18.73%).

The behavior continued in May with an increase of $21 (+4.5%) and in June with a modest increase of $4 (+0.8%). In July, registered an increase of $53 (+11.3%).

However, August marked a significant jump, with an increase of $185 (+33.6%), being the largest monthly increase since April 2020 (+41.3%). In September, the blue dollar rose $65 (+8.8%) in the accumulated monthly period, placing it below the inflation rate of 12.7%.

The blue dollar was losing ground against the performance of 30-day fixed terms in pesos, which offer a 9.7% return, after far surpassing it the previous month.

In 2022, the blue dollar advanced $138 (+66.4%) after closing the year 2021 at $208. As for the wholesale dollar, cIt erred at $349.50, a value that the Central Bank seeks to maintain until mid-November.

Amid the measures of the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, the savings dollar was quoted at $736.12, maintaining the tourist dollar or card at the same rate. On the other hand, The crypto dollar or Bitcoin dollar shows a drop of 5.6% to $960.40, according to the average among local exchanges reported by Coinmonitor.

Ayer, Sergio Massa awarded licenses for 5G networks for US$ 900 million. The announcement was made by the Minister of Economy in one of his first acts after Sunday’s election.

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It is expected that the development of this technology favors the economic growth of the country, in addition to increasing the amount of dollars for the Treasury: “Greater connectivity is more federalism,” he said.

Dollar today: how much the official, the blue, the wholesale, the MEP, the CCL and the Crypto are trading at

The prices of the different alternatives to access the dollar in Argentina are the following:

Blue dollar: $1100

Official dollar: $365.50

Solidarity dollar: $731

Card dollar: $731

Wholesale dollar: $350

MEP Dollar: $843.82

CCL Dollar: $887.88

Crypto Dollar: $947.50

What is the blue dollar?

He Dolar blue It is the one that circulates in the market informal or illegal and usually has a higher value than the official one.

this dollar It is not bought in banks or official exchange houses. It is taken as a thermometer of the local economy, especially in times of exchange restrictions.

It marks the nervousness or calm of the financial market and of the savers who seek safeguard at least part of your income exchanging pesos for foreign currency.


#trading #Wednesday #October #Sergio #Massas #announcements

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