How much is it offered this Tuesday, September 24?

news-headline__topics-and-date-wrapper"> September 24, 2024 – 19:02

Current Euro and Dollar Exchange Rates

Discover how much the official euro and the blue euro are worth today.

Euro Exchange Rates

The official euro exchange rates today are as follows:

  • Purchase: $1,111.92
  • Sale: $1,045.44

These rates are reported by the Banco Central.

Black Market Euro Rate

In the black market, the euro is trading at:

  • Purchase: $1,386.06
  • Sale: $1,352.66

Meanwhile, the euro card price is at $1,779.07.

Countries Using the Euro

Countries that have adopted the euro as their official currency include:

  • Germany
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Cyprus
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Estonia
  • Spain
  • Finland
  • France
  • Greece
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Netherlands
  • Portugal

Current Dollar Exchange Rates

Today, September 24, the official dollar exchange rate stands as follows:

  • Wholesale: $966.50 (increased by 50 cents)

Dollar Futures Trading

The dollar futures for various months are reported as:

Month Exchange Rate Change (%)
September $973.00 -0.15%
October $1,006.00 -0.20%
November $1,041.50 +0.10%
December $1,081.00 -0.10%

MEP and CCL Dollar Rates

The MEP dollar is quoted at $1,204.12, creating a gap of 24.6% compared to the official rate.

The Cash with Settlement (CCL) dollar operates at $1,225.83, with a spread of 26.8%.

Tourist Dollar Rate

The current dollar card or tourist dollar is being traded at $1,577.60.

Crypto Dollar Quote

The crypto dollar, based on Bitcoin valuation, is quoted at $1,215.00.

Benefits of Knowing Current Exchange Rates

Staying updated on currency exchange rates is crucial for various reasons:

  • Investment Decisions: Accurate exchange rates can influence when to buy or sell foreign currency.
  • Travel Planning: Knowing the rates can help travelers budget more effectively and avoid unfavorable rates.
  • Business Transactions: For businesses dealing internationally, understanding exchange rates can impact profit margins significantly.

Practical Tips for Managing Currency Exchange

  • Monitor Multiple Sources: Check rates from banks, currency exchange services, and online platforms.
  • Consider Timing: Exchange rates fluctuate; timing your exchange can save money.
  • Use Currency Apps: Leverage technology to keep track of real-time exchange rates while traveling.


Understanding exchange rates and their fluctuations is essential for financial planning, whether for personal travel, investment, or business transactions. Keep this guide handy to stay informed about the latest rates on euro and dollar exchanges.



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