How much exercise do you have to do to lose weight? We explain how to get it

Exercising is essential not only to lose weight, but also to have good physical and mental health.. Of course, the exercise must be complemented with a balanced and healthy diet. But, focusing on exercise, how much do you have to do to lose fat? Although there is no infallible formula or a miraculous training program to lose weight in record time, there are a series of keys that can be of great help.

There is a popular belief that only cardio is effective for sweating and thus losing fat. However, experts recommend prioritizing strength training. HIIT is an excellent alternative to burn fat not only during exercise, but also at rest.

strength and cardio

“By pushing hard early in the session, we’re going to use glycogen stores for energy. As we empty these deposits, the way of oxidation of fats to obtain energy comes into play. If we do cardio after strength training, we will start burning fat directly since we will have previously emptied the glycogen stores”explain it trainer Sandra Lordén Álvarez to ‘Vogue’ magazine.

Therefore, the ‘perfect formula’ to exercise and lose weight is as follows. First, spend five to ten minutes warming up to avoid injury. Next, do forty-five minutes of strength exercises and finally, do fifteen minutes of high-intensity cardio.


El High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), o High Intensity Interval Training, is defined as repeated periods of high intensity exercise interspersed with periods of low intensity or absolute rest. It can be applied to all kinds of activities, such as treadmill or suspension training, for example, and allows you to vary the exercises, as well as the activity and rest times.

Los circuit intervals They are divided as follows: a maximum effort phase of one minute in which you train with great intensity, and another of lesser effort that serves as a recovery and that can last one or two minutes. The benefits of HIIT are extensive: it improves heart and lung capacity, increases endurance, burns fat without losing muscle mass, and the body continues to burn calories several hours after training.

It is essential that the training is planned by a personal trainer to achieve the desired results.

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