How much do we harm ourselves by throwing away pomegranate seeds? – Life & Style

There are various claims about the benefits of pomegranate. A similar claim has been made in a social media post that pomegranate juice is constipating. The post further claimed that it can help you get rid of flatulence (gas), relieve stomach inflammation and cleanse the stomach properly.

The Health Indian Project refutes this claim, stating that pomegranate juice is very low in fiber, which is essential for preventing and relieving constipation. Most of the fiber in pomegranate fruit comes from the seeds and pulp, which are removed during the juicing process. Consequently, pomegranate juice provides negligible fiber, making it ineffective for treating constipation.

Instead of relying on pomegranate juice to treat constipation, a diet of fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is a more reliable way to relieve constipation. So it is advised to eat whole pomegranate instead of juice.

Pomegranate juice can help with IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) because of its polyphenols, but it can also cause diarrhea and allergies in some people. Studies are still investigating its effects on inflammation.

Similarly, there is no evidence to support the claim that pomegranate juice relieves gas or inflammation. In fact, the amount of sugar it contains, especially fructose, can make these symptoms worse for some people, especially if they have a fructose sensitivity.

If you suffer from gas or bloating, it’s best to avoid foods and drinks high in sugar. In contrast, drinking more water, increasing dietary fiber, and using probiotics can often help relieve these symptoms.

Sweet pomegranate varieties strengthen the stomach, while sour pomegranate varieties can irritate the digestive system if eaten in excess. Recent studies support pomegranate’s ability to treat gastrointestinal infections, tumors and inflammation. In addition, people also suggest that pomegranate can cure arthritis. However, we need more research to confirm these effects.

A common belief related to pomegranate is that pomegranate juice cleanses the intestines, but there is no scientific evidence for this. The human body naturally excretes the material through the liver and kidneys. No specific food or drink is required to perform this task.

Ayurvedic practices may recommend certain fruits to support digestion, but they do not suggest that pomegranate juice alone can cleanse the digestive system. Instead, traditional approaches often recommend a balanced diet and herbal remedies, such as ginger or fennel, for digestive health.

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2024-09-26 04:28:39



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