How many children are involved in traffic accidents in September? | Business

As students return to school in September, the number of traffic accidents involving children increases significantly every year. “Lietuvos drimadu” statistics show that even 40 percent all accidents occur among elementary school students. According to the data of the Lithuanian police, more than a third of traffic accidents in which minors are injured occur due to the carelessness of the children themselves.

In September, there is a jump in children’s road accidents

As Marius Draudvila, Deputy Commissioner General of the Lithuanian Police, points out, the number of traffic accidents involving schoolchildren has remained stably high for the past few years, and the need for education is also felt.

“For the past few years, a similar number of minors have been killed in traffic accidents in Lithuania every year – just over 500 children each. A decade ago, almost 700 such incidents were recorded and the situation has somewhat improved, but the number of children involved in accidents on the roads is still intolerably high. We are especially anxiously waiting for the beginning of autumn, when around 50-70 minors are killed in traffic accidents in Lithuania in September”, says M. Draudvila.

According to the Deputy General Commissioner of the Lithuanian Police, another trend is also worrying – according to the data of the last ten years, about 30-40 percent such traffic accidents are caused by the carelessness of minors themselves. This shows that too little attention is still paid to the education of children about safe behavior on the roads in Lithuania.

About safe behavior on the road – a new book

In August of this year, a representative survey of the opinion of the country’s population, commissioned by Lietuvos drimadu, revealed that even 60 percent parents of primary school children lack information about the basics of safe traffic.

“Seeing the disappointing police statistics and finding out the need for educational content for schoolchildren, this year we decided to publish the book “Safe on the Road” for primary school students. We created the book together with traffic safety specialists from the Police Department, we consulted with experts in primary education. With the help of humorous illustrations and witty jokes, we have put together tips on how to behave safer on the street, on the road, in the park or on the bus. Where our children are every day”, says Aurelija Kazlauskienė, Strategy, Customer and Marketing Director of Lietuvos drimadu.

According to A. Kazlauskienė, the company’s statistics show that 40 percent all accidents are caused by elementary school students. Most of the time, bones are broken and soft tissues are injured.

According to “Lietuvos drimadu”, almost 10% of of all accidents occurred in car accidents, while riding a bicycle, scooter, skateboard or sled. Most of the incidents happen in September when the children go back to school, when the traffic on the streets and roads becomes more intense.

The book “Safe on the Road” was written by Paulius Norvila, illustrated by Simonas Kvintas, and published by “Baltos lankos” publishing house. The electronic version of the publication is available free of charge on the portal “protect me”. More than 1000 copies of the book “Safe on the Road” were donated by “Lietuvos draudimas” to Lithuanian municipal libraries and schools where primary education is provided.

The physical book can be purchased in “Vaga” and “Pegasas” bookstores, in large “Maxima”, “Rimi”, “Norfa” stores and e. in trade channels,,

In September, all schoolchildren are insured on the roads

As every year, the company “Lietuvos draudimas” conducts the social campaign “Protect me” in September, during which all schoolchildren in the country are insured against road accidents. This September, the number of insured schoolchildren in the country will reach 358 thousand.

Insurance protection for school-age children comes into effect automatically on the first day of the school year and is valid until the end of September 30. Parents or guardians do not need to do anything extra for insurance coverage to be valid.

If a student gets into a traffic accident while traveling on foot, driving or being transported by bicycle or scooter this September, the damage should be registered on the “Lietuvos drimadu” website or contact the insurance specialists by phone number 1828. The insurance payment is paid regardless of whether the student is involved in an accident the culprit

“Protect me” is one of the oldest social responsibility initiatives in Lithuania, which was initiated by “Lietuvos draudimas” back in 2000.

#children #involved #traffic #accidents #September #Business
2024-09-01 00:15:04



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