How many calories should you burn each day to lose weight?

2024-08-15 06:00:10

When we decide to lose weight, the key question is how many calories we should consume each day. But it’s also important to know how to use them in a healthy way.

Last updated: August 15, 2024

some experts think Burning about 500 calories per day is a good starting point for weight loss. However, the numbers themselves are not the only factor. You should also consider how fast you want to lose weight and whether the plan is short-term or long-term.

One calorie is the energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of pure water by 1°C. Therefore, “burning calories” means releasing or using an equivalent amount of energy stored in our body.

To lose weight, what we want is to eliminate excess calories in the form of fat. to this end, We must eat less than we spend and exercise more.

First calculate your daily caloric needs

What you burn throughout the day is used to maintain basic organ functions, metabolism, and other activities such as exercise. Here are the preliminary calculations you need to make before restricting dietary calories and developing an exercise plan.

To find out your typical daily calorie consumption, you can contact a health care professional. He will provide you with anthropometric and nutritional assessments, ask about your activity and make calculations for you.

Another way is to use calorie calculator Online. These instruments are based on an average of the results from the three most accurate calorie estimating equations.

You’ll need to enter information about your gender, age, height, and current weight. From this data, the calculator will derive your basal or resting metabolic rate (RMR), which represents 60 to 70 percent of the calories your body burns to function.

Physical activity factors are automatically applied to the resulting values, ranging from “sedentary” to “very active” categories. You’ll need to enter this information as an estimate, depending on the options provided by the calculator.

Some online calculators are based on the Katch-McArdle equation and are designed to improve accuracy when using body fat percentage and lean body mass.

How does manually calculating calories burned per day work?

You can apply the so-called Mifflin-St equation yourself. Jeor provides your weight, height, age and gender data. You can find out your resting metabolic rate (RMR) by:

Men: 9.99 x Weight (kg) + 6.25 x Height (cm) – 4.92 x Age (years) + 5female: 9.99 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 4.92 x age (years) – 161

The resulting TMR is then multiplied by the physical activity factor, and you must choose from:

Sedentary: 1,2Aim for light activity 1 to 3 times per week: 1,37Intermediate level activity of moderate exercise 3 to 5 times per week: 1,55Very active in daily exercise: 1,73Hyperactive, strenuous exercise twice a day: 1,9

Finally, you arrive at your daily calorie expenditure. Although this is an inaccurate estimate, it can determine how many calories you need to restrict in your diet and which activities you can use to burn more calories.

How many calories should be restricted in the diet to lose weight?

The answer to how many calories you need to reduce in your meals for healthy weight loss is well documented. If you are overweight, one A 500-calorie-cut-a-day diet Recommendation (3,500 calories less in 7 days).

This will promote weight loss of half a kilogram per week. If we extend the prediction to the amount of weight that can be lost in a month, we get a value of 2 kg.

This recommendation is based on the fact that one pound of body fat stores approximately 3,500 calories.

However, care must be taken when calculating and understanding These 500-calorie-cut meals aren’t for everyone. This is just an average and does not take into account physical activity.

For some experts, we should aim to reduce, including 500 to 750 calories per day. Others take it a step further and believe it is possible to achieve a 1,000 calorie limit and lose 2 to 4 kilograms per month.

Ultimately, to lose weight, limit your daily calorie consumption to the following:

1200 to 1500 for females and 1500 to 1800 for males.

Everything ultimately comes down to the goals set between the dieter and the nutritionist. This last point is fundamental. according to the content expressed Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolisma weight loss program requires professional inspection and monitoring.

How to burn calories by exercising every day to lose weight?

You already know how many calories you burn each day, you’ve planned to consume less, now you need to think about increasing your physical activity. As a result, you are implementing effective strategies to lose weight in a sustainable and healthy way.

this Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that an adult weighing 75 kg can burn up to 280 calories by walking briskly for one hour. By dancing and doing simple gardening for an hour, you will burn 330 calories.

It is recommended to seek professional advice and plan training according to goals. However, you can also implement simple strategies to help you burn calories every day:

Use the stairs more often. Reserve the lift only for very high floors.Go fast. Walking slowly won’t burn as many calories.Walk more. Park your car away from your office or places you frequent and force yourself to walk there.Shop in person, not online. You actually have to walk through shelves, climb stairs and carry bags.Laugh as much as we can. This is the most fun way to burn calories. Laughing for 10 minutes a day can burn up to 40 calories.Organize active evenings with friends. It’s not just going out and dancing that gets us moving. We can play pool games, team sports games, and even scavenger hunts in the summer.Do more household activities that involve exercise. Mop floors or clean surfaces more often, even if they already look clean. These activities can allow you to burn up to 120 calories in an hour.Get up from your chair every now and then. Sitting for hours is like taking a break. Make excuses to stop, such as getting a drink of water or going to the bathroom. Try not to sit still while watching TV. Use ads to do some relaxing exercises.

Make sure the calories you burn come from fat and not muscle

We must ensure that caloric restriction and exercise are not excessive. This will result in Lose muscle instead of just fat. In this case, the slightest presence of muscle tissue slows metabolism, weight stagnates and a rebound effect occurs.

this Risk of muscle destruction The calorie burning weight loss program is real. To avoid this, It is recommended to maintain a protein-rich diet.

Protein helps build muscle and speed up metabolism. This helps maintain long-term weight loss. This was confirmed Scientific articles published in Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome.

and, High-intensity muscle strength exercises are recommendedsuch as weight lifting, squats, aerobics or HIIT. This will allow you to build muscle mass while burning calories.

If you don’t have much time to exercise, focus your intensity on 30-second reps with 2 minutes of rest in between, for a total of 30 minutes of activity. this technology Also helpful in reducing body fat.

Consult professionals to lose weight safely

The number of calories you burn each day to lose weight varies from person to person. Gender, height, age and level of physical activity all play a role.

According to experts, combining dietary calorie restriction with physical training that burns 500 to 1,000 calories per day can allow you to lose 0.5 to 1 kilogram per week. This is a reasonable, sustainable and healthy value.

Finally, it is best to contact a nutrition and training professional It helps us set goals and precise amounts of food and exercise to lose fat without sacrificing muscle mass. In the meantime, you can support this process by adding basic daily activities, such as walking, climbing stairs or even laughing.

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