How many calories a day to lose weight? Free Calculator + Tips for Healthy Weight Loss |

When it comes to effective and lasting weight loss, the first thing to take into account is food and more specifically the amount of calories ingested on a daily basis. The second, you’ve probably guessed it already – physical activity. But back to the diet. Do you know how many calories to consume per day to lose weight? This is a question that deserves our special attention. For what ? Because the answer is individual. Indeed, the number of these calories is calculated according to the sex, the current weight, the height and the age of the person concerned. How to calculate them? What precautions should be taken into account? Decryption.

Attention : To lose weight in a healthy and balanced way, it is better to consult a professional in order to avoid putting your health at risk. It is mandatory especially if you have any illnesses. Do not hesitate to contact your doctor, a dietician, a nutritionist, etc.

How many calories a day to lose weight?

Reducing the number of calories consumed per day is a very effective method of losing weight and regaining the line for the summer. However, calculating this exact quantity can become a real headache. For what ? Because it depends on several factors including sex, age, height, current weight, but also the level of physical activity. Considering it’s regarding losing weight, calorie deficit comes to your rescue. But what exactly is a calorie deficit? Don’t panic, it’s very simple: you consume fewer calories per day than usual.

As a general rule, the daily calorie needs for women aged 19-30 is 2000-2400 compared to 1800-2200 for those aged 31-59. The number decreases in the sixties and over: from 1,600 to 2,000.

At the men, the data is a bit more different. For example, men between the ages of 19 and 30 should consume between 2,400 and 3,000 calories daily. In contrast, men aged 31 to 59 – 2,200 to 3,000. Finally, 2,000 to 2,600 calories are needed for people in their 60s and beyond.

In the end, how many calories to ingest per day to lose weight? And more concretely, how to calculate your calorie deficit for free? The editorial staff comes to your rescue by presenting you with the website calculator Healthline which is very easy to use. This free calorie calculator provides approximate data and it is important to consult a specialist before taking the plunge. So, you must first select a metric system. Then insert your personal data: sex, age, height, current weight and level of physical activity. This includes the following 5 degrees:

• Sedentary lifestyle
• Slightly active
• Average physical activity
• Physically active lifestyle
• Very active lifestyle

Once all the information has been entered, click on “calculate” and you will see three options with three different calorie numbers. The first indicates the amount of calories per day to maintain your weight, the second – to lose weight, and the third – to lose weight quickly. The last is to be avoided.

how many calories a day to lose weight what calorie deficit to lose weight disadvantages

To lose weight quickly and effectively, it is essential to know which foods to favor and which to banish from your menu. Making restrictions too severe is not recommended at all. Here’s why it’s important to know what to eat to avoid being hungry. Our tips below:

  • Choose protein-rich foods to reduce your appetite: eggs, legumes, nuts, etc.
  • Avoid sugary drinks at all costs.
  • Try to drink more water daily. It will also improve brain function.
  • To lose weight effectively, it is important to exercise. Choose the physical activity that best suits your lifestyle.
  • Banish refined carbs and ultra-processed foods.

What are the disadvantages of calorie deficit?

The calorie deficit might not work for some individuals whose goal is to lose weight. According to experts, this type of diet reduces energy expenditure. This is called adaptive thermogenesis. Researchers have also proven that metabolic rate, or the number of calories burned, decreases when a person creates a calorie deficit.

*Source used: Healthline

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