how long will the heat last –

Someone was already ready to take out umbrellas and raincoats. Perhaps eager for the so-called refreshment. Yet the latest forecasts suggest that a change of pace will take a few more days or even a few weeks. The month of September, in fact, will not bring with it the autumnal turn that many are waiting for. But let’s understand better. “Between the last day of August and the first day of September we will experience another weekend of full summer with lots of sun everywhere and an anomalous heat, a heat wave that unfortunately no longer surprises us: the African anticyclone Caronte has been ‘possessing’ our beautiful Italy for 2 full months without letting us breathe; and, at the moment, the possible collapse of Caronte is not even expected in the next 7-8 days. The real end of the African heat is being postponed further and further in time”, explains Andrea Garbinato, meteorologist of the website, confirming the strengthening of the promontory of subtropical high pressure in the next few days, with an expansion towards the north-east, until it touches Poland and Russia.

When will the heat end? Giuliacci: there is the date of the autumnal turning point

“The new expansion of Charon will bring a further increase in minimum and maximum temperatures to Italy: there will still be tropical nights (minimums above 20°C) and maximums up to 38-39°C, as if summer were not over. Indeed, the beginning of September will bring very muggy heat and peaks of 34-35°C even in the Po Valley, albeit alternating with some showers”, continues the expert. As for the “thunderstorm chapter”, the meteorologist anticipates: “Showers will still be possible due to the high heat and very high humidity of the air; another ingredient favorable to the development of thunderstorms will be the sea temperature, almost 30 ° C. All the heat trapped in the Mediterranean will, in fact, act as fuel for these convective phenomena (thunder and lightning) even in areas far from the coast. In the next few hours we will therefore still have strong thunderstorms, especially on the central-southern Apennine ridge and between Calabria and Sicily. In the North the weather will be sunny and hot with 35 ° C especially in Emilia Romagna, Friuli and Veneto; in the Center-South we will also reach 37 ° C, especially in Sardinia and between Tuscany and Lazio. The weekend will be sunnier, even if until Friday we will have unstable aftermath between Calabria and Sicily”.

#long #heat #Tempo
2024-08-31 14:35:11



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