2024-02-11 13:57:47
Do you lack motivation to (re)start sport?
However, you are dying to find a toned, more energetic and fitter body.
Well, know that you generally won’t need more than two months of regular physical activity to take advantage of all these benefits! This should give you the strength to taste the pleasure of effort once more.
What are the effects of sport from the first days, weeks and months of resuming physical exercise?
This is what we will see in the rest of this article.
Resumption of sport: benefits from the first days
A reduction in stress
The feeling of well-being linked to sports practice is not affected. By producing your first effort, you are already encouraging the release of endorphins et cannabinoidstwo well-being neurotransmitters.
The effect on the nervous system is immediate and continues for several hours following stopping sport.
Relaxed and relaxed, here you are less stressed and less irritable (1).
Want some more good news to start with? The more sport you do, the longer this soothing effect will last over time.
So you’re off on the fun highway!
Better quality sleep
You won’t have to wait long to also see the first benefits on sleep.
After a well-executed workout, especially if you are the sedentary type, you will generally sleep like a baby.
In fact, sport promotes sleep and contributes to a quality sleepdeeper, more restorative and less subject to nocturnal awakenings (2).
By (re)starting sport, you will notice an improvement in your nights from the first week.
In the event of irregular hours, practicing regular physical activity also contributes to resynchronize the internal clock.
To avoid the risk of disrupting your sleep, if possible, finish your session at least four hours before going to bed.
The release of stimulating hormones such as adrenaline and noradrenaline prevents some people from diving into the arms of Morpheus at the desired time (3).
An increased energy level
The fatigue felt at the end of a good sports session is in no way comparable to the general fatigue experienced on a daily basis. On the contrary, physical activity contributes to boost energy levels in the hours or even days that follow.
These benefits are all the more visible in people who say they are not morning people. After a good morning cardio session, they are ready to face their day in great shape!
By activating blood circulation, sport also helps support the cognitive functions.
An energized body, boosted brain performance, this is what awaits you in the first days following returning to sport.
Resumption of sport: the results following fifteen days
Progress is being made
After two weeks of regular physical activity, the sessions are less difficult to complete and theendurance improves.
If you haven’t done sport for a long time, the progression line is very favorable, with visible improvements from one session to the next. Take advantage of it, it will be less the case later!
Fat mass decreases
Provided you balance your meals, resuming regular physical activity quickly results in a fat loss.
Indeed, the sessions not only allow you to burn calories, but sport also helps to improve your basic metabolism.
Result: your body needs more energy to function and you lose weight even at rest. Please note, eliminating fat does not automatically translate into weight loss on the scale, because muscle weighs approximately as much as fat.
Nevertheless, following fifteen days of sport, your figure begins to become slimmer. Do the test by putting on pants that fit you a little. You should already feel more comfortable in it.
Resumption of sport: the results following one month
The strength is there
After a month of sport, your muscles are starting to seriously tone up.
In your daily life, you have less difficulty lifting a shopping bag, carrying your child, getting up, gardening, etc.
Obviously, you are also more comfortable in sporting activities.
A family bike or canoe-kayak outing no longer scares you, on the contrary.
Risk of injury decreases
Toned muscles are essential for the proper functioning of articulations. By playing a role of stabilizers, they limit the risk of injuries such as sprains.
Resumption of sport: results following six to eight weeks
Cardio is boosted
After a month and a half of regular sessions, it’s the turn of cardiorespiratory system to benefit from a second youth.
Your heart calms down more quickly following exercise and you are much less out of breath on a daily basis. Forget arriving out of breath at the top of the stairs.
Your more muscular heart is much more efficient and resistant to exercise and at rest. Thus, the heart rate outside periods of effort is lowered to better protect it in the long term.
Result : the risk of cardiovascular disease drops drastically (coronary pathologies, high blood pressure, stroke, etc.) (4).
The silhouette sharpens
No need to wait months and months before seeing the first results on your silhouette.
After just a few weeks of sport, the muscles begin to take shape. Arms, thighs, calves, chest slowly sharpen.
At the same time, the fat disappears to reveal a firmer silhouette.
However, don’t expect to see your chocolate bars appear right away.
These well-hidden muscles and fat are among the most difficult to sculpt and only a very low-fat diet combined with targeted exercises allows you to visualize your pack of abs.
Pain decreases
Strengthening deep muscles contributes to reduce pain daily.
The benefits relate in particular to the joints, particularly in people with osteoarthritis, but also to recurring headaches, back pain and neck pain.
Results which can also be explained by theimproved posture general.
At what pace should I return to sport?
If you have abandoned sport for a long time, opt for a gentle return. Depending on your physical condition and your state of health, medical advice is recommended (pregnancy, pathology, overweight, etc.).
To start, try to stick to three twenty to thirty minute cardio sessions per week. During these sessions, you should be slightly out of breath and sweat minimally.
In the best configuration, these cardio workouts should be alternated with fifteen to twenty minute muscle strengthening sessions.
Pilates and yoga are very effective on the deep muscles, but you can also opt for bodyweight exercises: squats, planks, chairs, etc.
Finally, know that it takes on average around twenty minutes of physical activity including ten minutes of continuous effort to release the first neurotransmitters of well-being.
On the other hand, you will need to move at least half an hour before starting to draw on your fat reserves.
« Effectiveness of physical activity interventions for improving depression, anxiety and distress: an overview of systematic reviews », B. Singh, T. Olds, R. Curtis et al, British Journal of Sports Medicine2023.
« Effects of Evening Exercise on Sleep in Healthy Participants: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis », J. Stutz, R. Eiholzer, C.M. Spengler, Sports MedicineOctober 2018.
« Nocturnal exercise phase delays circadian rhythms of melatonin and thyrotropin secretion in normal men », O. Van Reeth, J. Sturis, MM Byrne, JD Blackman, M. L’Hermite-Balériaux, R. Leproult, C. Oliner, S. Refetoff, FW Turek, E. Van Cauter, Am J Physiol1994.
« Physical activity and cardiovascular disease: how much is enough ? », P.D. Thompson, D. Buchner, I.L. Pina et al., Circulation vol.128September 2013.
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