How Livestreaming and the Metaverse Will Dominate Video Marketing Trends

Video marketing is an ever-evolving creature that adapts and permeates through all of the digital channels it can. Now more than ever, digital video trends grow towards two-way interaction between the advertisement and the viewer. Whether this is a simple click of the skip button or a link that sends users tumbling down a rabbit hole of consumer interests, these new forms of ads demand more attention from viewers than traditional television commercials.

However, video marketing trends in 2022 are taking this a step further. Users can interact in real-time with their favorite streamers, vloggers, and even each other while advertisements are incorporated throughout. This means that this marketing strategy is constantly present during a user’s already-interactive experience, which they may or may not be aware of. This list explores some features of these new video marketing methods, and how they could dominate future trends.

Twitch and YouTube Live

The two most popular live streaming platforms, Twitch and YouTube Live, host a variety of streamers which span a staggering variety of topics. Some examples of content you will find on these platforms are:

  • Video game playthroughs
  • Music performances
  • Cooking Shows
  • Stock Trading
  • Painting and drawing

The list goes on indefinitely, but viewers can find someone streaming something that pertains to their interests. These platforms invite viewers to interact with the livestreamer in different ways through chatting or paid interactions that are unique to each streamer’s channel (e.g. song requests, making an animation appear to everyone watching, etc.).

During this constant back-and-forth, a viewer’s attention is continuously active. Any video advertisements incorporated throughout the livestreamer’s session has a higher chance of grabbing the audience’s focus and being memorable. Livestreamers are also paid to shout out certain products from their sponsors and may encourage their viewers to buy items using discount codes unique to the streamer, all done in real-time.


Video trends have also found their way into a number of metaverses. Essentially, a metaverse is an online digital playground for users to log into and hangout in through their customized avatars. The focus of a metaverse is social interaction in a completely digital world, which gives digital video advertisers a massive amount of real estate to display their ads in.

Video marketers can display their ads in a metaverse on something obvious like a digital billboard, or may opt to create a more immersive experience that takes advantage of the virtual reality (VR) medium. An example of this is a guided digital tour that makes the user feel like they are moving through a 3D space, or video ads showing up on unexpected parts of the metaverse’s architecture, such as the surface of a sidewalk or street.

Experiences like these will stick with users who are already constantly interacting with other people in the metaverse. Users are also likely to buy something they see in a video ad if a fellow metaverse user created it, such as an NFT or game, to show their support. 

What Lies Ahead

As technology and the Internet integrate themselves into our everyday lives more with each passing day, video marketing trends will follow. People are spending more time online and consuming content from various sources. Digital marketers took advantage of OTT and CTV platforms readily, utilizing Internet data to target their advertisements at potentially interested viewers.

However, the video on this list differs from those forms in that they reach users with heightened attention levels. Livestream interaction, metaverses, and video games all demand continuous focus from a user since they can actively control and interact with their experience to an extent. All in all, digital video advertisers likely see more success as they follow and incorporate their advertisements into these interactive user experiences.

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