hostess: controlweapons is one of the battlesthat has always been the kneadof the discord that they are toin favor of the second amendmentwho ask for morerestrictions. some cattlepremises, such as San Joé,has proposed that the owners ofweapons pay a fee and haveliability insurancecivil. but what implicationsmight have this in citiesas big as the angels? oeven the state level?osvaldo porras spoke with himhead of police departmentof the Angels.reporter: thank you very muchPolish boss less here. there is aquestion that is arising,this in the city of san joé,where they just passed, that’sconsidering imposing ainsurance to peoplebuy a firearm. thisis obviously to trysomehow answer theexpenses or to the enormousresponsibility that comes with ithave a gun if you fall into oneunforeseen situation orpossibly criminal, if anyhe steals it they are demandingthese people that there is atax on these weapons touse that money in a fundto protect victims, andalso, to require ainsurance to gun owners.what do you think regarding it?“We are on the lookout fororder of a possible fee ofpaco porter protested oneweapon, which you can have in yourhome. if the strip I understood thatpay for that picture do you still havetype of weapon such as firearmin your house, you must pay theshare. the city is testingpossibility, whatmeans how it would work andwould practice yes i know that recentof los angeles or owner ofbusiness, we have a lot toobserve and understand whatmeant. we have to growowners of a firearm onlylikely to use ama once morestthemselves, another in a finalto consolidate at home andUse it to defend yourself. thisis, that dinar would be used foreducation to helpVictims of being seen with weapons.I have to where did those goquotas, and it’s like I said, forhave a firearmmeddle sensibly withobligation and highresponsible. I have supported thisidea, but not that the governmentimpose as a requirement.but how to operate?reporter: so yousent a letter, something that theprosecutor, the companies that arecard ownerscredit, which are usedto buy components ofghost guns onlineelectónica. especiallyof what do I ask extensivelyand how is it going touse this information toeliminate illicit purchasesof these weapons ending inthe streets in some cases,being used once morestpolice women?>>” going to another aspect, adocument dedicated to chewing,and visa to have to start.if mané ásico that is cited, andlike four is expensive andóndor is an avon, with three oneweapon. you eat here, youwill deliver your house asany type of editingbackground check orwho are you, or what are youstory with guns, and canengage a firearmexcited and that has been doneconcerts in the city andtens of thousands in the state.It’s weapons represented one offour recovered in yearspent on the street ofangels. and represents thedeath. dress madrid hot eos einfluences the ease ofweapons. you owed to the cardcredit is knowing the purposeof buyer when engaging in thoseweapons. because if you are someonethat you have no problems, you canweapons with three at home nothey have the quality vaia fora series of weapons. peoplewho buys found those weaponsand I see the people areonly up for the moneythat they will win, because thepeople are going to pay for those gunsprohibited. to commitcrimes and all kinds of actsviolent, attacking and damagingothers. we are asking thatthese purchases are not throughvisa and mastercard or americanexpress, that the loss will beused to make these purchasesthey finance waves, but participatein this, we want you toreporter: so that theroute le, you back followfool from los angeles will arriveto consider this as anew law or one byrequirement for dreamsof weapons. would you supportthat the owners have insurancefor their weapons whenbuy, remain in possession ofthem legally?>>” absolutely. I thinkwe all have our houses,other loved ones,property, possessions ofvalue. have insurancecar life insuranceHealth. have gun insuranceof fire that or cures withthat gun, I think it’s a good oneidea. A lot of people havesafe for other types ofactivities, but what I mustto say is that the insurance is not going toremove the hazard. It is not going toeliminate losing life orfact that it can happenbuying a gunto protect personnel. or notmoment of anger end yourlife or that of a loved one. thatI’m sure you won’t pay for that. forthat we have to wait for thecity hall see if thislosangeles works. thetarget was safe with theweapons, and it must be that thoseweapons is tees proper handsfor property protectionof other people, of the house,and that they are robbed for doinglocated.reporter: thank you very much. fortalk to us. isinescapable that thisweapons with helix of cymensthat have happened here in theangels, people who have beengunshot wounds and evenassigned. it is a topic that isvery important howis protecting peoplewho were outside if someone isowner of a gun, and whatHow do you protect yourself?you own a gun and
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