How Joris “dries up” his job to help the Salvation Army

Joris is a rather special volunteer since he distributes meals with the Salvation Army… during his working time! No problem, however, with his employer, whose company “is one of the partners of the
wenabi platform, which allows those who wish to carry out, twice a year, solidarity actions during their working hours ”, specifies the young man.

Without this opportunity, not sure Joris would have been able to satisfy his desire to help. “In any case, it would not have been done so quickly,” he confirms. Fortunately, the platform is very well done and it acts as a direct intermediary towards the associations. “

The satisfaction of helping those in need

For his first mission, Joris distributes hot meals to people with low (or no) income. “It’s cool because I really feel useful here. I see the people I am helping and I see what my help is doing for them. »Support the young volunteer from the beginning to the end of his mission in this video from our partner Brut.

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