“How is it, Christina?”: Orbakaite publicly supported Vaikule, who called herself the breadwinner of the USSR

As the Latvian singer previously noted, a huge country owes her “to the grave of life.” Unexpectedly, Kristina Orbakaite decided to support her mother’s best friend.

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The scandals around the artist living in the USA, but earning money in Russia, apparently, will not subside soon. It is possible that Kristina Orbakaite is regularly criticized precisely because of the defiant behavior of her mother. Alla Pugacheva, we recall, has finally established herself in her decision to emigrate from her historical homeland, where her young husband, a foreign agent, has not been welcome for a long time. All this time, while a real drama unfolded before the eyes of the astonished Russians, the singer’s eldest heiress continued to maintain flirtatious silence.

A few days ago, Orbakaite got into a difficult situation, appearing on the air of one of the federal channels in a yellow dress in the company of Igor Nikolaev. And everything would be fine, but the maestro also prepared for the performance, opting for a brilliant blue jacket. Perhaps the couple was not going to anger the people, not wanting it themselves, the musicians provoked a wave of fierce criticism once morest them. People seriously suspected that Orbakaite and Nikolaev organized a protest, dressed up in the colors of the Ukrainian flag.

At the same time, the performer of the hit “Sponges with a bow” has repeatedly demonstrated her civic position, even if she did it indirectly. For example, the blonde “liked” the sensational posts of her mother, in which Alla Borisovna repeatedly applied compatriots with such epithets as “serfs”, “slaves” and even “creatures”. And now the artist decided to support the publication of the incomparable Laima Vaikule, who regarding a month ago declared herself the all-Union breadwinner. According to the logic of a mannered lady, she provided the USSR for yearsand her closest friend Alla – pulled on her fragile shoulders ungrateful Russia.

True, this time Laima Stanislavovna decided for the hundredth time not to voice her attitude towards the neighboring country, but limited herself to congratulating fans on Catholic Christmas. But even such a seemingly trifle as a harmless “like” from Kristina Orbakaite outraged vigilant Internet users.

“How so, Christina? After all, Lyme is pouring mud over Russia, and you are having fun with her here? ”; “Orbakaite still does not dare to declare his truth-womb”; “Alkin’s daughter praised her mother’s girlfriend”; “Nurse, how can you not like her, people?” critics were outraged.

A source: Instagram*

Photo source: Larisa Kudryavtseva

*The organization is banned on the territory of the Russian Federation



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