How Inflation Impacts the Wealth Gap: Robert Kiyosaki’s Insights on Bitcoin, Precious Metals, and Fiat Currency

2023-10-24 08:33:39

In a recent tweet, Robert Kiyosaki, author of the book Rich Dad Poor Dad, claimed that inflation makes lower income people poorer while benefiting the rich. Kiyosaki argues that inflation erodes the savings held by the poor and middle class who rely on these funds. Meanwhile, the wealthy are protected by investing BTC PRICE in alternative assets such as gold, silver and bitcoin instead of cash. The author sees inflation increasing the wealth gap by devaluing the fiat currencies that most ordinary people work for and hold their money in. However, inflation drives up the price of rare real assets that wealthy investors typically hold as hedges. Kiyosaki often criticizes quantitative easing as harmful to savers and retirees. To circumvent the erosion of fiat money, it supports alternatives such as precious metals and cryptocurrencies. Although the effects of inflation vary depending on individual financial behavior, your post highlights the popular belief that government action tends to penalize lower-income, non-wealth groups. Kiyosaki has strongly advocated for bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, seeing bitcoin as a hedge against the traditional financial system and a potential store of value in the future. In his opinion, the stability of the leading fiat currency, the US dollar, is uncertain, while cryptocurrencies and precious metals can provide investors with a shield. Kiyosaki expects the price of bitcoin to reach $100,000, but potentially even $1 million, in the event of a global economic crisis.

#Inflation #rich #richer

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