How important is Legal Medicine for doctors?

Israel Torres Lorente, lawyer specializing in Health Law and director of the Master’s Degree in Bodily Injury Assessment and Legal Medical Expertise.

The doctor-pacient relationship has undergone important changes in recent decades that have distorted the paternalistic figure that the health professional occupied in said relationship, becoming one more element within both public and private health systems.

The Royal Academy of Language defines paternalism as the “application of the forms of authority and protection typical of the father in the traditional family to social relationships of another type”.

In the case of doctor-pacient relationship, the doctor has not stopped exercising his profession always seeking the well-being and protection of the patient. However, the development of certain regulations that delimit the activity of the doctor and the rights of patients with respect to their health have regulated several aspects of said relationship, such as the Clinic history or the Informed consentwhich, although they require a regulation that provides legal certainty These elements have facilitated an exponential increase in claims to health professionals.

This situation conditions to a large extent the form of medical practice, where the medical professional is in clear disadvantage in the face of the lack of knowledge of Legal Medicine, which can make it difficult to defend once morest a possible claim.

Problems of doctors in healthcare activity

Precisely the training that is issued in the universities does not help to solve this problem that the doctor finds in the healthcare activity, since is not usually part of the teaching plan in the Medicine DegreeTherefore, it is highly recommended that doctors receive additional training in the field of legal Medicine.

This training will allow them to acquire the necessary skills regarding issues as essential to their day-to-day life as know the types of claims you can receivewhat to do when a claim is received, how to defend oneself once morest it, the requirements that the Clinical History and Informed Consent must meet in accordance with the Law and its role in the legal field, the resolution of issues related to Bioethics…

There is no doubt that the acquisition of this knowledge will allow the health professional to exercise his profession with a greater degree of tranquility and securityin such a way that, if one attends to the context in which medicine is currently practiced, where claims are the order of the day, training in Forensic Medicine acquires the same importance for the health professional as learning regarding scientific news of his praxis.

In it Master of Valuation of Bodily Injury, Legal Medical Expertise and Disabilitiesdeveloped by AMIR for Udima, echoes the importance that Legal Medicine has in the professional practice of the doctor.

Our goal is not only to train good professionals in Medical Expertise, especially in the field of Bodily Injury Assessment, but also focuses on students acquiring the skills of Forensic Medicine, so that they can develop their health care activity with more security and peace of mind.

How is the enrollment in this master’s degree?

Interested professionals can get more information at following link and, in case you want more information, there is a contact form that you must fill in so that within a period of no more than 24 hours, the AMIR service team will contact you.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any questions related to health be consulted with a health professional.



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