how hospitals in Ile-de-France are organizing themselves to “hold out” during the Olympic summer

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2024-01-31 02:30:09
At the Delafontaine hospital in Saint-Denis, in 2022. MICHEL EULER / AP

Six months before the opening of the Olympic Games (OG), hospitals in Ile-de-France are also in the starting blocks and face a major challenge: how to organize themselves for a summer like no other the same who must see, according to official estimates, some fifteen million visitors in addition to athletes and their companions? As in other sectors, the sensitive issue of human resources is a priority.

At the hospital, the summer period is always tense: due to caregivers’ leave, some of the beds close; even more so in recent years, marked by recruitment difficulties. The three weeks of the Olympic Games, spread out between July and August, constitute an additional difficulty, since it involves offering a superior range of care: the Assistance publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP), an Ile-de-France behemoth of thirty- eight establishments, has calculated that it needs to open 360 additional beds (out of a total of 8,000 for an “ordinary” month of August), in around sixty identified services ” in the first line “, as well as four additional emergency operating theaters. In any case, that’s the goal at this stage.

“Critical care, orthopedic and digestive surgery, emergency back-end services… We have targeted the sectors which are likely to be in greatest demand, explains Florent Bousquié, director of the office of the general director of the AP-HP, Nicolas Revel. We also plan to further mobilize SAMU and SMUR. » It remains to find the hands of doctors, nurses, caregivers, ambulance drivers… That is to say some 800 full-time equivalents, on a voluntary basis.

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A boost has been put into the organization of leave. Summer schedules, which usually do not “go back” than in March, were requested before Christmas 2023, and even as early as November in the sixty target services. “We asked our professionals, in these services, if they agree to be present during the Olympic Games, by setting a few limits, continues Mr. Bousquié. Everyone must be able to take two consecutive weeks and those who agree to postpone or place their third week of leave in a time savings account will be compensated. »

“A real disappointment”

A bonus has been provided. According to an internal memo, released in October 2023, that The world was able to consult, it is structured around four amounts: 2,500 euros gross for doctors who postpone five days of leave in a row, to work that much; from 1,000 to 1,200 euros gross for category A and B staff (nurses, technicians, middle managers) for thirty-five hours worked, 800 euros for caregivers and category C workers.

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