how does it work and advice to increase it?

Want to increase your Snap score? Here are our recommendations for growing that number the fastest on Snapchat.

increase your snap score (2)

Snapchat is still a widely used social network. Mainly between friends, but also to communicate between influencers and its community. Therefore, it is often important for Snap users to have a rather attractive profile for attract new “friends” and new subscribers on this network.

Among the most important elements that attract people to your profile Snap, there is the famous score. This figure indicated next to your nickname and snapchat username. And the more the number of your score Snap is higher, the more it means that you receive and send snaps. In other words, it reflects a certain popularity of your person and your profile. So, here is a tutorial article to explain how raise your Snap score, without cheating.

The score on Snap: how does it increase?

As a real tool for evaluating your e-reputation on SnapChat, the Snap score is very important for attracting new visitors. It’s as important as your pseudo Snap or that your Bitmoji.

To find out your score, simply go to the SNAP mobile application, or to your computer emulator. Then go to your profile by selecting your bitmoji at the top left of the home screen. Your score will then be visible under your nickname.

Before, the Snap score was written in two numbers: one indicated the number of snaps received. And the other, the number of snaps sent. In 2022, the Snapchat score is shown as a single number. However, you can see the old two digits by pressing your score global. Indeed, Snap didn’t really retire the feature. The social network just wanted a single digit to be available in the first place.

increase your snap score (2)increase your snap score (2)

So how does the Snap score do for increase ? What parameters are taken into account? So here is the list:

  • The snaps sent (chat messages do not count in the calculation). When you send a snap, it gives you a point.
  • Number of snaps received (chat messages do not count in the calculation). You will be awarded 1 point if you receive a photo or video snap.
  • You earn points for users added. You can get points if you add lots of friends.
  • But also when you post stories. Ditto if you add a lot of stories.
  • The maintaining the “flames” with your friends (chat messages do not count in the calculation).
  • As indicated, chats don’t count in the Snap score.

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Why would you want his score to be higher on Snapchat?

There are several factors that lead a user to want increase your snap score. The first of all is simply popularity. The Snapchat score is identified by the app daily.

The higher your score and the more active you are on the app, the more Snap will think you are important to the social network. Thus, you will be more easily suggested to users who will add you in turn. And so on, the more users you are friends with, the more you will be popular on Snap. Users who look at your profile are much more tempted to send you snaps if your score is higher.

Also, Snapchat has planned rewards for people with high scores. Indeed, depending on your activity on the social network, you can receive trophies, various rewards.

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Here is a very good article that explains how get trophies on snapchat. It explains all the “quests” to complete to obtain this or that reward:

Our advice to increase this figure fairly quickly

To effectively increase its score Snap, there are several “tricks”. Here’s how to do it, without cheating with Snapchat:

  • In order to increase your score on SnapChat, you need to be very active on the social network. You have to add users regularly, publish stories quite often, but above all send and receive photo or video snaps EVERY DAY. This will increase your score by sending and receiving snaps. But also, if you chat every day with several users, you will have “flames”, which increases your score as well. In short, to be active daily on the network.
  • So send snaps often and receive them too, it’s essential.
  • Also add users quite often. You have friend suggestions in the tab to find people. Often, Snapchat relies on your Facebook friends or phone contacts. But also, Snap regularly offers you people followed by your friends, for example. Add them, but not all at once. It’s tempting, we know. But adding too many users all at once may seem suspicious to Snap. Thereby, you risk being blocked by the app or your account is banned temporarily.
  • For the stories, post often (including groups of friends). There are no restrictions on this.
  • Finally, maintain your flames on Snapchat. To do this, you must send a snap and receive a snap from the same user maximum every 24 hours. The flames are materialized by an emoji in the form of a flame precisely, on the conversation you have with this user. The more flames you have, the higher your Snap score will increase.

SEE AS ​​WELL : How to record a video on Snapchat?

Technique to boost the Snap score: video explanation

To help you increase your score on Snapchat, here is a short video that explains how to boost this number. It’s about a technique to test which can be very interesting if you want a large number on your Snap score.

Did this article help you increase your score on Snap? Do not hesitate to leave a comment to let us know how you feel. Also, if you have any problems to effectively increase your score on SnapChat, send us a message. We will be happy to help you!

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