How do you know that a rash on your body is caused by monkeypox?

spread out monkeypoxwhich the World Health Organization declared a global health emergency, quickly across countries, and one of the most important symptoms of monkeypox is a rash, and in this report we learn the difference between an ordinary rash and a rash caused by other diseases, according to the “Times of India” website.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)CDCMonkeypox can be spread by close, often skin-to-skin contact, including direct contact with a monkeypox rash or body fluids from a person with monkeypox, or touching objects, fabrics (clothing, bedding, or towels), and surfaces that a person has used Infected with monkeypox or contact with respiratory secretions from an infected person.

Aside from general symptoms such as fever, fatigue, body aches, rashes and lesions on the face, the palms of the hands and even the genitals are common signs of monkeypox.

Note how long the rash appears

How long the rash lasts depends on the cause and severity of the rash.

Regarding monkeypox symptoms, they usually begin within 3 weeks of exposure to the virus, according to the CDC.

If a person develops flu-like symptoms, they will usually develop a rash following 1-4 days.

Other rashes can develop within minutes to hours of exposure and can last 2 to 4 weeks.

The rash of monkeypox goes through several stages

One of the distinguishing features of the monkeypox rash is that it goes through four stages: macular, papular, vesicular, to pustular, before eventually starting to scar and exfoliate.

The spots are flat lesions that usually start on the face before spreading to other parts of the body.

Papules occur on the third day. During this stage, the rash rises and becomes slightly indurated.

The vesicles occur by the fourth or fifth day and are characterized by the appearance of raised bumps filled with a clear fluid.

Blisters occur on the sixth or seventh day, when the lesions are filled with yellowish fluid or pus.

When the body clears the virus, which is by day 14 or more, the rash or lesions will likely turn into scales that begin to fall off.

How do we differentiate between a rash of monkeypox and a rash of chickenpox?

The rash from monkeypox and chickenpox can look similar in so many ways from feeling itchy to sharing the way it progresses, it can become difficult to distinguish between the two.

However, while the rash associated with monkeypox usually occurs within one to three days of the fever, the chickenpox rash begins to appear one to two days following the fever.

While the monkeypox rash often begins on the face and spreads to other parts of the body, the chickenpox rash can first appear on the chest, back, and face.

It develops into papules (raised skin lesions) and fluid-filled blisters and then crusts over and falls off.

Scabies rash

Scabies is caused by tiny mites, a very itchy skin condition that can be characterized by thin, wavy tunnels made up of small blisters or bumps on the skin, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Unlike monkeypox, scabies is often found between the toes, the armpits, around the waist, the soles of the wrists, the inner elbows, the soles of the feet, and more.

If you were someone who had scabies in the past, symptoms may start within a few days of exposure, otherwise it may take up to six weeks for symptoms to appear.

Allergic reactions often cause a rash that may vary in size or severity depending on the cause.

Contact dermatitis is an allergic reaction that causes a painful or itchy rash. The rash can appear anywhere following 24-48 hours and a person must come into frequent contact with the allergen before a reaction actually occurs.

Other symptoms of monkeypox that can help confirm your diagnosis

Besides the hallmarks of each rash, including monkeypox, the accompanying symptoms can reveal a lot regarding the condition.

Fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, muscle aches, back pain, and headache are the primary symptoms of monkeypox, which can be accompanied by flu-like symptoms before the rash appears.

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