How did the prisoners escape from the prison to save the children? A strange incident.

How did the prisoners escape from the prison to save the children?  A strange incident.

Italian media has reported a unique case of prisoners escaping. According to the report, two inmates have left a letter while escaping from Rabibia Jail, in which they explained the reason for their escape and promised to return soon.

On the night of June 2, two cousins, 40-year-old Zukanovic and 46-year-old Lil Ahmetovic, who were imprisoned in Rome’s Ribebia prison, escaped by breaking the window of their cell.

After breaking the window of the closet, they got down with the help of a pipe, crossed the yard and then cut the barbed wire of the wall with a wire cutter and got out.

The strangest thing regarding this escape is the letter found in his closet.

In this letter, both explained that they were going to resolve their domestic issue and would return in 15 days.

In a letter written to the prison staff, the two inmates said that they had to save their children from the evil that they themselves were involved in.

He added that he can do it himself as both their wives are also in jail.

At the end of the letter, both of them wrote that following finishing their work, they would return immediately and present themselves for court proceedings.

The Italian police have no doubts regarding the authenticity of this letter as it was found in the cell of the escaped prisoners and has their fingerprints on it.

However, the police are suspicious of the promise of both of them to return.

The sentences of both the prisoners will end at the end of 2029.

Both are serving sentences for fraud and buying stolen goods.

If both come back as they promised, both will have to serve another five years in prison.

That is why their voluntary return seems difficult.

#prisoners #escape #prison #save #children #strange #incident
2024-07-13 22:31:43



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