“How did he know?”, the final mystery –

Another mystery about the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi and new disturbing questions. The latest news to emerge more than 40 years after the disappearance of the young Vatican citizen – she would be 56 today – concerns a detail provided by the mysterious Americanthe man two weeks after the disappearance, for the first time telephoned Orlandi’s house promising the release of Emanuela in exchange for the release of Ali Agcathe attacker of John Paul IIThe weekly magazine revealed it Giallo. “On July 7, 1983, a man, who would later be nicknamed the Amerikano, called the Orlandi house and said he was Emanuela’s kidnapper. As evidence, he provided a very intimate clue about the little girl who only a few, very few people knew,” the magazine writes.

The telephone operator with the foreign accent “said, in fact, literally: ‘Your girlfriend likes a boy named Alberto who is now in the military’. It was a real clue”, the magazine reports, recalling that “Emanuela had a crush on her music partner, Alberto, 19, and he reciprocated. And when Emanuela disappeared, on June 22, 1983, he had actually been doing his military service in Orvieto, for just a month”.

“Who Really Was the American?” The Bombshell on the Case of the Disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi

Who knew? “Emanuela’s mother confirmed that she had heard of this sympathy. Emanuela had said a few words about him, but she was a rather reserved girl. The Carabinieri questioned Alberto on July 20, and he provided a further, fundamental element that GialloCairo Editore, publishes exclusively (with the minutes of the time): true, he was in Orvieto serving in the military. But on the evening of June 22nd he was in Rome on leave!”, the magazine reveals. The boy “had left Orvieto at 5:30 p.m. Then he had been to Ostia to visit his parents. At 10:30 p.m. he had been admitted to the Celio military hospital, and had stayed there for two nights”. Today Alberto, joined by Gialloexplains: “I had to remove some warts from one hand. In any case, Emanuela and I weren’t engaged.”

Orlandi Case, the Audio Bomb on the Two Telephone Operators: The Vatican Knows Who They Are

“Perhaps the American also knew about this passage to Rome on the very evening of Emanuela’s disappearance and he tried to frame himcasting shadows and suspicions about him? But the most disturbing question is: who was the Amerikano and how did he know about Alberto ‘who is in the military’?”, asks the magazine that raises new questions on one of the great Italian mysteries on which, decades after the events, three new investigations have been opened: by the Rome Public Prosecutor’s Office, by the Promoter of Justice Vatican and of the parliamentary commission of inquiry.

#final #mystery #Tempo
2024-08-29 17:16:54



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