How can Morocco become a high-income country?

The World Bank’s 2024 report, titled “The Middle-Income Trap,” outlines the significant challenges that over 100 middle-income nations, including Morocco, face in their pursuit of high-income status. The report presents an ambitious plan known as “Strategy 3i,” which integrates investment, technology, and innovation to tackle economic hurdles.

The report identifies serious impediments hindering the progress of more than 100 middle-income nations, such as Morocco, in their efforts to attain high-income status in the coming decades.

Titled “The Middle-Income Trap,” the report offers the first comprehensive roadmap for these countries to escape their economic predicament.

According to the report, Morocco is among several nations, including Bangladesh, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa, Turkey, and Vietnam, that aim to achieve in 50 years what countries like South Korea, Chile, and Poland accomplished in just 25 years.

To reach this ambitious objective, the report advises a sequential and progressively sophisticated blend of policies aimed at investment, technology infusion, and innovation, which it refers to as “Strategy 3i.”

“The battle for global economic prosperity will be largely won or lost in middle-income countries,” states World Bank Group Chief Economist and Senior Vice President for Development Economics, Indermit Gill. “However, too many of these countries are depending on outdated strategies to become advanced economies. They have relied solely on investment for too long or have shifted to innovation prematurely. A new approach is necessary,” he remarks.

For Morocco, as with other lower-middle-income nations, the report advocates focusing on policies that enhance investment and adopting a combined strategy of investment along with the intentional infusion of foreign expertise, termed the “2i Strategy.”

As countries achieve upper-middle-income status, they should transition to a “3i” strategy, incorporating innovation into their efforts.

The report emphasizes that success relies on how societies negotiate the economic forces of creation, preservation, and destruction.

This involves regulating existing power structures to diminish the forces of preservation, promoting merit to bolster the forces of creation, and leveraging crises to facilitate the dissolution of outdated policies and institutions.

Specific recommendations for Morocco and other middle-income countries include enhancing the investment climate, integrating into globally competitive markets, disseminating global technologies, and promoting value-added enterprises.

Additionally, the recommendations highlight the importance of investing in human capital, ensuring equal opportunities for women and marginalized groups, incorporating environmental costs into energy pricing, and reducing the cost of capital for low-carbon energy.

The World Bank’s 2024 Report: Navigating the Middle-Income Trap for Countries like Morocco

The World Bank’s 2024 report, “The Middle-Income Trap,” unpacks the significant challenges facing over 100 middle-income nations, including Morocco, on their path to achieving high-income status. This comprehensive report introduces an ambitious framework known as “Strategy 3i,” which integrates investment, technology, and innovation to help these countries overcome economic barriers.

Understanding the Middle-Income Trap

The term “middle-income trap” refers to a situation where countries experience a slowdown in growth after reaching middle-income status, thereby struggling to transition to high-income economies. The World Bank’s 2024 World Development Report identifies that Morocco, along with countries like Bangladesh, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa, Turkey, and Vietnam, aspires to achieve ambitious economic growth similar to South Korea, Chile, and Poland over the next 50 years.

Strategic Framework: The 3i Strategy

The World Bank proposes a tailored strategic framework comprising three fundamental pillars:

  • Investment
  • Technology
  • Innovation

To begin with, countries like Morocco should adopt what the report describes as the “2i Strategy,” focusing on enhancing investment while simultaneously infusing foreign know-how. As these nations attain upper-middle-income status, transitioning to the comprehensive “3i Strategy” will incorporate innovation into their growth framework.

Key Insights from Indermit Gill

“The battle for global economic prosperity will be largely won or lost in middle-income countries,” emphasizes Indermit Gill, World Bank Group Chief Economist and Senior Vice President for Development Economics. “However, too many of these nations rely on outdated strategies to evolve into advanced economies. A refreshed approach combining investment and innovation is essential.”

Challenges Identified in the Report

The World Bank emphasizes that to successfully navigate the complexities of the middle-income trap, Morocco and similar countries must address several challenges:

  • Over-reliance on traditional investment without infusing advanced technology
  • Premature transitions to innovative methodologies
  • The necessity of balancing the economic forces of creation, preservation, and destruction

The Balance of Economic Forces

According to the report, achieving economic success entails:

  • Disciplining established powers to diminish preservation forces
  • Rewarding merit to bolster creation forces
  • Capitalizing on crises to facilitate the dismantling of outdated policies and institutional frameworks

Actionable Recommendations for Morocco

The report provides several practical recommendations tailored for Morocco and similar middle-income countries, which include:

Recommendation Benefits
Enhance the Investment Climate Attracts more foreign and domestic investment
Integrate into Globally Contestable Markets Improves competitiveness and access to new markets
Diffuse Global Technologies Increases efficiency and innovation
Reward Value-Added Businesses Encourages economic diversification and resilience
Invest in Human Capital Develops a skilled workforce for the future
Promote Equal Opportunities Empowers women and disadvantaged groups
Consider Environmental Costs Promotes sustainable development practices
Lower Capital Costs for Low-Carbon Energy Facilitates the transition to a green economy

Benefits of Implementing the 3i Strategy

Implementing the “Strategy 3i” provides numerous benefits:

  • Economic Growth: By focusing on investment, technology, and innovation, Morocco can drive sustainable economic growth.
  • Enhanced Global Competitiveness: By aligning with global best practices, the country can improve its standing in international markets.
  • Job Creation: A diverse and innovative economy encourages job creation in various sectors.
  • Social Equity: Fostering equal opportunities will help reduce socioeconomic disparities within the population.
  • Sustainable Development: Emphasizing environmental considerations will promote long-term sustainability.

Case Studies: Success Stories to Consider

Several countries have successfully navigated the complexities of the middle-income trap. Their experiences offer valuable lessons:

  • South Korea: Focused on high-quality education and technology, they transformed from an aid-dependent country to a leading economy within a few decades.
  • Chile: Implemented policies that encouraged innovation and investment while promoting social equity, leading to robust economic growth.
  • Poland: Transitioned from a centrally planned economy to a market-oriented system by improving investment climates and integrating into the EU market.

First-Hand Experience: Voices from the Ground

To better understand the implications of these strategies, local stakeholders and policymakers emphasize the need for:

  • Continuous dialogue between the government, businesses, and civil society to ensure all voices are heard.
  • Adaptability to changing global conditions and market demands.
  • Long-term vision and commitment from leadership to invest in both human and infrastructural development.


The insights from the World Bank’s 2024 report on “The Middle-Income Trap” present a crucial opportunity for Morocco and similar nations. By embracing the “3i Strategy” and implementing the recommendations outlined in the report, these countries can work efficiently towards envisioning a thriving, high-income future.



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