How can food help alleviate it?

Anxiety is a feeling that makes people afraid, apprehensive, and restless. Although in some cases it may be a stress reaction, there are individuals who may have it more frequently.

“While anxiety can help you cope, as well as give you a boost of energy or help you focus, for people with anxiety disorders the fear is not temporary and can be overwhelming”, explains Medline Plus, website of the United States National Library of Medicine.

If you feel that way, you should see a doctor to receive the correct diagnosis and start timely treatment. It is not advisable to follow advice from people on social networks, who do not have professional knowledge, or from celebrity blogs that are not authorized experts on the subject.

“There are no dietary changes that can cure anxiety, but paying attention to what you eat can help”, explains Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit organization dedicated to clinical practice, education and research.

The health entity provides some recommendations that can be tried and see how they work. It should be noted that these tips do not replace medical treatment. Likewise, a doctor and a nutritionist should be consulted before making changes in the usual diet.

  1. Including protein at breakfast can help you feel full longer and have normal blood glucose levels. This will allow you to start a day with more energy.
  2. Include complex carbohydrates. According to Mayo Clinic It is believed that these types of foods (oats, quinoa, breads, whole grains) increase the level of serotonin in the brain, causing a calming effect.
  3. Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, as this condition can affect your mood.
  4. Moderate alcohol consumption. Although at first it can cause a calming effect, then the person can become irritable.
  5. Moderate caffeine, since it can cause feelings of tension and nervousness.
  6. Observe which foods or products can cause unpleasant physical reactions, which can then affect mood, causing anxiety.
  7. Eat a healthy diet to maintain good physical and mental health.

What is a healthy diet?

To have a balanced diet, experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend trying to have a plate full of colors, that is, full of various fruits and vegetables.

Some recommendations to keep in mind:

  • Add fresh herbs to salads.
  • Prepare red sauce with fresh tomatoes and fresh herbs.
  • Add diced vegetables to casseroles and omelettes.
  • Add fruit to cereals or yogurts.

Great care should be taken with the daily consumption of salt (sodium), as its high intake is harmful to health. The World Health Organization stresses the importance of reduce your intake.

“A salt intake of less than five grams per day in adults contributes to lowering blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and myocardial infarction. The main benefit of reducing salt intake is the corresponding decrease in arterial hypertension ”, explains the Organization.

Mayo Clinic explains that it is healthy to consume less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium a day. In case of high blood pressure, doctors usually recommend consuming less than this amount.

The CDC offers some tips to reduce this consumption:

  • Replace the use of salt to season foods by using lemon juice or a small amount of fresh herbs or seasoning mix.
  • Moderate the consumption of processed and packaged foods.
  • When shopping, choose fresh vegetables that are not processed.

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