Late summer change: the heat returns but without excess. Providing the weather forecast for Thursday, August 22 and the following days is Tg La7 with the latest updates from Paolo Sottocorona. Well, for today in the north “a mostly sunny day” with clouds and isolated thunderstorms in the afternoon on the Alpine and Apennine reliefs. In the center possible brief thunderstorms in Abruzzo, in the south mostly sunny weather “with some afternoon disturbances on the mountain reliefs”.
As for the heat, “temperatures are rising in the central south, except in Sardinia”, and decreasing in the north. We are talking about “values that are still pleasant overall but with peaks that can exceed 30-32 degrees especially in the heart of the Po Valley, in the internal areas of Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Sardinia, Puglia and Basilicata”.

Friday 23 August the trend is confirmed: clear or partly cloudy in the north with afternoon cloudiness on the mountains, some isolated thunderstorms in the center and a bit of instability in the south with some thunderstorms still during the day on the Apennine mountains and northern Sicily. Temperatures in general slightly increased: “We are now returning almost everywhere above the average for the period of two to four degrees”, it is explained. The most significant increases in temperatures are reported in the peninsular sectors and in the internal areas of Sardinia.
But what should we expect for the last weekend of August? The trend for Saturday 24th reports “good weather everywhere in the north, with some disturbances in the mountains especially in the north-west. Clear or partly cloudy in the center with some accumulations on the mountains especially in Abruzzo, in the south still a weak instability on the mountains between Basilicata and Calabria and Northern Sicily with some afternoon and evening thunderstorms”. Temperatures still in general, slight increase with values above the averages for the period of 2-4° in the center-south, up to 5-6 degrees in the north. In short, no drastic break: summer continues, and without the extreme heat.
#august #ends #Time
2024-08-25 00:45:38