| how are you today | Mangalam

2023-08-13 19:33:00

Aries (Aswati, Bharani, Kartika) – Things will go as planned. There will be peace in the house. There will be filial piety and family unity. Chances of job related problems. It seems to open the way for many plans in mind. There will be leadership qualities.
Idavam (Karthika, Rohini, Makairam) – There will be leadership qualities. Performance in the field of arts will be recognized. There will be relative quality. You will meet an old friend whom you want to see for a long time. The situation will be favorable for the children’s higher education.
Gemini (Makairam, Thiruvathira, Punartham) – The situation will be favorable for the children’s higher education. Peace of mind will be attained due to success in business and advancement in career. There will be nemesis. There will be financial expenses related to the vehicle.
Cancer (Punartham, Puyam, Ayyyam) – There will be antagonism. There is a possibility of trouble due to carelessness in health matters. There will be quality of travel. It is possible to start building a house that you have wanted for a long time.
Leo (Makam, Pooram, Uttaram) – There will be increase in income. Will meet old friends. Something that you thought would never happen is possible today. You will get a good friend during the journey. There will be family happiness.
Virgo (Utram, Atham, Chithira) – There will be family happiness. The disturbances in the family will change. There will be wealth. A thing that was sure to be accomplished may be hindered. There is a possibility of loss of money during the journey.
Libra (Chitira, Choti, Visakha) – Chance of financial loss during travel. There will be motherly quality, financial gain and business success. There will be irrational fear in the mind. Chance of getting a car.
Scorpio (Visakha, Anizham, Thriketta) – Unreasonable fear will be present in the mind. There will be gains through foreign friends. Enemies can be defeated. It is possible to live a happy life. Family responsibility will have to be taken.
Dhanu (Moolam, Puradam, Uthradam ) – Father will have merit. Friends help in everything. There will be no financial problems. Business will expand. You will be saved from betrayal. There may be financial upheavals. Do things very carefully.
Capricorn (Uthradam, Thiruvonam, Avitam) – There may be financial upheavals. Those in the political field will have a bright future. Chance of change in career. Many actions of the mother can cause depression. Possibility of job relocation.
Aquarius (Avittam, Chathayam, Pururuttati) – Chance of relocation in work. The labor crisis will change. You can be happy because of your children. Will be very worried regarding children. There will be financial gains at work.
Pisces (Pururutati, Uthrutati, Revathi) – Will be very anxious regarding offspring. Chances of minor health problem. Charity should be done. Will work for others. Agricultural income will increase.

Anil Perunna – 9847531232

#today #Mangalam



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